Check Range Plug-in

How to get there

From the Menu, choose Scoring and Arranging, and then Check Range. If you prefer to apply Check Range to a specific region, select the region using the Selection Tool before choosing the plug-in from the Menu.

What it does

The Check Range plug-in allows you to verify that the staff you have selected is within the range of the specified instrument or voice. It will operate on the current selection, or the entire document if there is no region selected (using the staff name attribute to identify an instrument). In either case, the plug-in will go through the document (or selected region) on a staff by staff basis, comparing the notes to check if they are within the range of the instrument specified for each particular staff. For every note that is outside the specified range, you may either change the note, erase it, or simply leave it alone.

There are three pre-defined ranges for each instrument the Check Range plug-in knows about: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. If the pre-defined ranges do not suit your needs you may specify other values for the highest and lowest pitches of the range the Check Range plug-in will use.

The Check Range plug-in will suggest an instrument based on the Full Staff Name attribute of the staff currently under examination. If there is no Full Staff Name, the plug-in will try the Abbreviated Staff Name attribute of the staff, then the Full Group Name and Abbreviated Group Name attributes of the group to which the staff belongs. If, for some reason, the suggestion does not suit your needs, you can choose another instrument from the list of available instruments.

