How to get there
Click the Staff Tool
, and select Staff Attributes or Define Staff Styles from
the Staff Menu. Click Select below Alternate Notation.
What it does
This command lets you fill the selected
staff with one of several alternative-notation styles, such as slashes,
measure repeats, or blank measures. Or you can edit or create staff styles
with various alternate notation.
Tip: To apply alternate
notation to selected measures, use staff styles. For more information,
see Apply Staff Style.
- Slash
Notation. Select this alternate-notation style to fill every measure
with one slash per beat. In cut time, for example, there would be two
slashes per bar. If you want a dot after the slash in compound meters,
such as 6/8, check the Add Dots To Slashes In Compound Meters checkbox.
Slash notation is useful for indicating that the player is to "comp,"
or improvise, a part with an unspecified rhythm.
- Rhythmic
Notation. This alternate-notation style converts every note or
chord to a stemmed slash. All slashes are centered on the middle staff
line, and all stems go down, unless you check the Stems Up in Rhythmic
Notation checkbox. Use this form of slash notation when the player is
to "comp" or improvise in a specific rhythm. See Document
Options-Alternate Notation for changing rhythmic notation character
positioning settings.
- One-Bar
Repeat(s). This alternate-notation style hides whatever music is
already in the measures (all layers), and displays instead the one-bar
repeat symbol, indicating that the player is to repeat the contents of
the previous measure. See Staff Styles
to apply to only selected measures.
- Two-Bar
Repeat(s). If you click this option, whatever music is already
in a pair of measures (all layers) gets hidden. Instead, they’re filled
with the two-bar repeat symbol, indicating that the player is to repeat
the contents of the previous two measures. See Document
Options-Alternate Notation for changing the vertical positioning of
the number. See Staff Styles to apply
to only selected measures.
- Blank
Notation. Choose this option to hide all the music in the selected
staves. The advantage to this option is that anything attached to the
notes in selected layer—such as chord symbols, lyrics, and so on—remain
in view. This feature opens up many notational possibilities: multiple
chord symbols per note, lyrics beneath blank measures, and so on.
- Blank
Notation with Rests. Choose this option to hide all the music in
the selected staves and display rests instead. This option is useful when
using multiple voices in a linked part that display, for example, a single
note to specify a tutti (both or all players) section in some measures
and a solo in others. Use this alternate notation style in a Staff Style
to temporarily change extra notes to rests for printing.
- Normal
Notation. Choose this option to display the selected staff in standard
music notation.
- Apply
to Layer. Use this command to choose which layer you would like
the alternate notation applied.
- Show
Items Attached to Notes. Select this checkbox to display any items
attached to notes such as articulations, lyrics, chords or note attached
- Show
Notes in Other Layers. Select this checkbox to display all the
notes in other layers other than the layer which has the alternate notation.
- Show
Items Attached to Notes in Other Layers. This is similar to Show
Items Attached to Notes, but it applies to the other layers, not the layer
with the alternate notation.
- Stems
Up In Rhythmic Notation. Select Rhythmic Notation and check this
box to have rhythmic notation with all stems frozen up instead of stems
- Add
Dots To Slashes In Compound Meters. Select Slash Notation and check
this box to have a dot after the slash in compound meters, such as 6/8.
- OK
• Cancel. Click OK to confirm, or Cancel to discard, the settings
you’ve made in this dialog box.
Tip: Alternate Notation
applied as a Staff Attribute will affect the entire staff. Alternate Notation
applied as a Staff Style will affect only the selected region.
See Also:
Staff Styles dialog box
Options-Alternate Notation
Staff Tool