In Spring 2023, math Club met Thursdays at 12pm in FMH 462. (View all quarters of Club.)

Monday, May 15, 3-6pm

Math Club and SIAM-PDX
Bowling Party!!

Come play with us in the Viking Gameroom. There will be bowling, pool, other games, and LOTS of FOOD!! Feel free to come even if you aren’t yet in either of the clubs, no commitment required. Also, bring your friends. Coming to just part of the time is totally cool!

Thursday, April 27, 12-1pm

Noah Dear
Combining Math and Art

Explore techniques of using equations, fractalization methods, parameterization, physical tools, and patterns to inspire and design visual art.

Thursday, April 13, 12-1pm

William Atwood (Nike)
Data Science at Nike

William (Melyane's brother) has been doing data science and analytics at Nike for the last 6 years. He will talk about what data science tasks he does, what tools he uses, and what helped most from school. Then he will answer questions. This is a great opportunity to pick the brain of someone actually working in data science.