USP 543
Spring 2018

Tues/Thurs 2-3:50p
Urban 225 GIS Lab (schedule)
Urban 320-B, Tue 10a-11:30a, Thu 10:30a-12:00p,
or by appointment or discovery


USP 543 (Mini-)Challenge 02 -- Spatiotemporal Data Viz in QGIS2

Joe Broach
updated: 2018-04-19


GIS data with a time dimension is becoming more common and in more demand, but most GIS courses in planning ignore it. Luckily, it's also getting easier to display a time dimension as we move from static/paper maps to more flexible, web-oriented forms.

This challenge will introduce you to QGIS as you grapple with spatiotemporal data from the Census. The data are simple, which should leave more of your mental resources free to focus on visualization and data manipulation.


For full credit, you need to consider at least the following:



You can use GifMaker.Me to create nice animations from the Time Manager images stacks. No charge/no registration.

Portfolio Notes

This would make a nice portfolio section. All you need are some ST data of interest. Bike share, transit feeds, even the RLIS archives of land-use or transportation might make good sources.

Hand-in date: by Friday April 27 (mailto: