Notes, Answers, and More Questions: Goodman (p. 176)

In this article on p. 176 of Reactions, the author criticizes this country's lack of nurture and guidance toward the development of its youth.

Comprehension Check (T/F)

1. Throughout history, adolescence has been a prominent part of people's social life cycle.
2. Industrialization changed the tradition of apprenticeship into adulthood.
3. During the 1930's, child labor was considered helpful to the economy.
4. Today, young people spend more time in school than ever before.
5. Graduating from college improves a person's employability.
6. School tests many aspects of growth, maturity, and ability.
7. According to Goodman, adolescence is a time of change and fluctuation.

Discussion Questions

1. At what age do you think children turn into adults? Is this recognized as an important and worthwhile step in your culture? How?

2. In the eighteenth century, the family was the primary teacher. Do you agree with this type of guidance? Explain.

3. Historically, Americans have viewed their country's youth with either contempt or anxiety. What effects of this ill-treatment do you see in today's teenagers?

4. What kind of upbringing do you think Goodman would approve of? Explain.


Questions by Regina Weaver