1C: "Not Forever Blowing Bubbles"

Note: This reading uses an analogy--a metaphor that that is used throughout the reading. The authors believe that learning to write is like learning to swim. In other words, the learning process for both is analogous.

Comprehension check pp.36-37:

1. T-3(all) 6. F-6 11. T-10
2. F-1 7. T-7 12. T-10
3. T-6,19 8. T-7 13. T-9
4. T-3 9. F-8 14. F-9
5. F-3,6 10. F 15. T-11

More questions to think about:

1. What is the authors' thesis? What points do they make to support this thesis?

2. Do you agree that grammatical rules and rhetorical forms "are best acquired subconsciously"? Why or why not?

3. The authors refer specifically to learning to write throughout the article. Do you think their beliefs can be applied to other language skills, such as reading, listening, and speaking? Why or why not?

4. The authors believe that writing teachers should focus on the process of learning rather than the product, and give reasons (paragraph 5). Do you agree? Why or why not?

5. The authors use the analogy of learning to swim. Can you think of a different analogy? Try to describe your language learning experience in terms of your own analogy.