November 4, 1998

New accessibility guidelines for schools.
by Joe Agron


School facilities for handicapped students have become better than before the American with Disablities was made, then schools claim many money in order to built new facilities or renovate. However, if school side people understand ADA compliance and follw that, they will not need to spend much money.


This article reports that school facilities should be more accessible for disabled students from objective view. When I came to Potland, I was supprised about the public buses. Wheelchair-band people can get on those buses, which are used not only for people in wheelchaiers, but also ordinary people. Moreover, there are many wheelchair ramps between sidewalks and pedestrian crossings. In schools, I have also seen many entrances for people in wheelchair. I think facilities for handicapped people in America are much better than those in Japan. Neverthless, this article says that there are still problems, so this article is good for me to know about these. Schools have changed accessilility for students with disability though most of them have made new facilities. Accessiblity for handicapped students does not mean only making new facilities, but that is also to operate schools programs and activities in a monner. Accessibility is important so that diabiled students can study with able-bodied students.


Expenditure (n) ~ amount of expended
Expend (v)
Expendable (adj)
Ex pence (n)
Expensive (adj)
Expensively (adv)

Compliance (n)~ action in agreement request
Compliancy (n)
Cmpliant (adj)
Comliantly (adv)
"Compliance to the statute does not mean heavy expenditures as long as the guidelines are understood and followed."

Enactment (n) ~ law,
Enact (v)
" Although it has been more than five years since its enactment, there is still much confusion about many aspects of the ADA."

Anticipated (v) ~ to deal with before the proper time
Anticipation (n)
"The final rule currently is under review by the Office of Management and Budget, and it is anticipated that very little, if anything, will be changed from the Access Board's recommendation."

Mandate (n) ~ authority give to someone to perform a certain take
Mandate (v)
Mandatory (adj)
"According to the U.S. General Accounting Office, almost two~thirds of the nation's schools report needing $11 billion ~ an average of $200,000 per school ~ to comply with federal mandates (including the ADA) through 1998."