Mitsuru Kasai
Nov 3 '98

"To Smoke or Not to Smoke"
by Beth Lerner


People smoke cigarette because it makes them relax. People had not known that smoking is very harmful for a long time. It causes many diseases, in real. Although the number of smoker is decreasing, media such as movie and TV still indirectly support peer pressure to smoke in teenagers. In particular, effective advertisement of cigarette helps to motivate them to smoke. The worse, people keep smoking while they are aware of the ill effect of smoking.


I quit smoking finally, just couple of days ago. Now I have a hard time. "A hard time", it is not enough to describe my hardship. Only a roll of cigarette can save me from this pain. Although I wanted to know some effective way to give up smoking, everything was too general and common way. If I can quit by such ways, all smokers can quit without any pain. When I was disappointed with the boring results of searching, I found this article, which is not very helpful for me, but relatively reliable, because this article comes from COHIS (Community Outreach Health Information System) in Boston University Medical Center.


avid (adj.): very enthusiastic, eager, greedy
-avidly (adv.)
-avidity (n)
"Since I am an avid smoker I understand the need for nicotine, but I also realize how revolting it is."

commotion (n): a confused and noisy disturbance or outburst
";it is socially acceptable and it takes them away from all the commotion that went on during their day."

seduce (v): tempt or entice into sexual activity or into wrongdoing
-seducer (n)
-seducible (adj.)
"Some of the curiosity comes from generation X movie and photos of musician and models that seduce kids into thinking that smoking is appealing."

detrimental (adj.): harmful, damaging, disadvantageous, injurious
- detrimentally (adv.)
- detriment (n)
"How can a product that is so easily accessible on the market be so detrimental to your health?"

cold turkey (n): a way of curing drug addiction by suddenly and completely stopping the use of drugs.
"The only way to go is cold turkey."