Richard Ko
October 27,1998

"Children who skip breakfast are less efficient, productive"
9:21 PM 10/7/98


This article talks about how the breakfast affects children academically, emotionally and physically. The author shows us some studies results and ideas to emphasize the importance of eating breakfast. On academic functioning, children who eat breakfast can learn and think quickly. They get higher scores, enjoy attending school and go to school on time. On emotional functioning, they get along well with others and are less fidgety and irritable early in the day and are less depressed, anxious or hyperactive. Breakfast consists of some important resources--vitamin C, D, iron, calcium which are good for children's growth and development. However, children who skip breakfast are not as good at selecting the information they need to solve problems. Ability to recall and use new information, verbal fluency and attentative are impacted by hunger. There is a big difference between eating and not eating breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal in a day. It can cultivate a sound mind and body in children . Thus, parents should not neglect the importance of eating breakfast.


I chose this article because I am one of the victim of not eating breakfast. When I read it, I felt a pity that I did not eat breakfast every day during my high school years. My parents never made breakfast in the morning. Even though they gave me money, I did not like the food sold in breakfast bars. High school age was the best time for me to grow and develop; however, I lost the chance to grow taller and to become smarter. This article is kind of long but I did not have much difficulty with the vocabulary and comprehension. It also provides me the significant information which I will tell my children in the future and is that never ever skip the breakfast. Breakfast impacts children in many ways; it is a matter in which parents should not overlook.


hyperactive (adj)~uncontrollable
They found that those who often ate school breakfast got higher grades in math and were less likely to be described as depressed, anxious or hyperactive by parents or teachers.

fidgety (adj)~restless
Children who regularly eat breakfast think faster and clearer, solve problems more easily, and are less likely to be fidgety and irritable early in the day.

adept (adj)~expert
Recent studies show that children who skip breakfast are not as adept at selecting the information they need to solve problems.

intake (n)~inclusion
Studies of teen-agers have shown that those who skip breakfast have an intake of calcium and vitamin C that is 40 percent lower and an iron intake that is 10 percent lower than those who eat breakfast.

demeanor (n)~bearing
You do not have to be a scientist to realize that it is hard to concentrate on mental challenges and do maintain a pleasant, patient demeanor when your growling stomach signals a fall in blood glucose that follows an overnight fast, or the consumption of only a sweet food with coffee.