Jaelim Kim
10. 27. 98

by Irwin Arieff
Oct. 20. 98


This article reports about riots, which were happened during a second major protest of Paris' students. On Oct. 20, rioter threw stones at Paris police when high school pupils demanding more teachers, smaller classes and better equipment took to the street of France. Even though police swooped on potential troublemakers before the demonstration, small groups of riots pelted police with stones and wrecked many things. Police have checked about 4,000 youth IDs and detained 150 people as well. The Government expressed their strong will that confront rioters. The students' demands, however, will satisfy as Education Minister has promised. Including leftist government, 83 percent of public also support for high school protest. Furthermore, teachers marched with their pupils.


I chose this article because it reminded me Korean student protests. Similarly, Korean students including my friends and me threw lots of bottles and stones at police. I think this article is not enough to explain that violent situation. Even though author focused on the situation that rioters mar students protest, author didn't explain well how rioter affected the protest. Moreover I am still wondering author had negative opinion about rioters like his title. This is also difficult to understand time sequence. Anyway, I am so envy about French students because Korean has more terrible education environment but we couldn't do anything. I hope they get better situation like their wishes.


# PROTEST(noun) ~ 1.a strong complaint that shows you disagree with, or are angry about something that you think is wrong or unfair. 2. an occasion when people come together in public to express disapproval or opposition to something.
" High school pupils demanding more teachers, smaller classes and better equipment took to the streets of France for a second wave of nationwide protests."

# WRECK(verb) ~ 1. To completely spoil or destroy something such as a plan, relationship or opportunity 2. to damage something such as building etc so badly that it cannot be repaired. *wreck(noun)
" Small groups of rioters pelted helmeted police and wrecked a phone booth and smashed the window of central Paris bar."

#DETAIN(verb)~ to officially prevent someone from leaving a place
" Police had checked the identity of 4,500 youths ahead of the rally and detained 150people."

#CONFRONT(verb)~ to behave in a threatening way toward someone as though you are gong to attack them.
" The Government will energetically confront rioters."

#SPONTANEOUS(adjective) ~ happening or done without being planned or organized, but because you suddenly feel you would like to do it.
" The spontaneous student movement emerged three week ago in the south of France."