Khaled Aljaser
Due; 28/12/1998

"Kids café"
By California Distance learning Project.


The reporter implied in his article entitled "Kids café" that Clastlmont High School provides a unique practice course in Oakland's International Airport, it is simply described as an interesting course to teach children the necessary skills for the required experience, how to work in a café and how to run their own businesses in the future, the project supports Oakland's Youth Enterprise Fund and students that they work in that café.


I have chosen that article because it was very simple and showing a unique educational idea to teach the school students how to get a work experience. I think that article in its project is very interesting and useful in the same time, furthermore, it funds a youth enterprise and supports the students in both making money and improving working skills. Because of its benefits, the café is very helpful for many students and it should be applied for many other schools to support their educational plans for the future.


Prime (n)
-primer (n)
-prime minister (n)
"Castlemont high school rents prime space at the end of Oakland International's main terminal"

Grumpy (adj)
-grumble (v)
-grumbled (adv)
The manner of complaining- adamant.
"Most customers are pleasant, some are grumpy"

Cranking (n)
-crank (n)
-crank pin (n)

Tends (v)
-tendency (n)
-tendentious (adj)
To serve or to take care of some thing.
"One tends to get the hang of it after cranking out a few hundred cups a day"

Improvise (v)
-improviser (n)
-improvisation (n)
To invent.
"Robyn Johnson had to improvise her first "bouvier""