
Oregon Woman takes Advantage Of Assisted Suicide law
By Don knapp


An 8o years old female cancer patient are willing to take lethal pill to terminate her life because of the pain caused by the disease she has. This patient's name is not identified. Two days before the patient took the dose of the barbiturates, she said that she can not wait to die. She voice was taped. She is the first woman to be reported in this nation as a patient who took advantage of doctor assisted suicide.


My opinion about the article is I strongly support the doctor assisted suicide law as long as the takes effect to the people who can not bare the pain suffering them permanently. This law takes place in Oregon but it has not passed in congress yet. There are so many people who disagree with the law in Oregon, but I strongly support the law.


Nausea the feeling of throwing up

Dose the amount of the intake at once

Measure proposal

Avocate to support

Overwhelming blaming