Jaelim Kim
OCT 20, 98

Oct. 8. 98


This article reports that Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi issued his country's strongest apology to date to South Korean people for 35years of brutal colonial rule. The apology was the first official one that Japanese government mentioned individual country's name for apologizing their actions that they did during second world war. The President of South Korea Kim Dae-Jung, who is visiting Tokyo, accepted that the apology. The article also mentioned 'new partnership' between the two countries. Two leaders signed an agreement to boost business cooperation and inaugurate a new partnership. For example, student exchange and working holiday system, culture exchange that was banned in Korea, North Korea problem, the loans for economic crisis of Korea and Asia and new tax treaty. The new pact goes into effect in January 2000. In addition, President Kim arrived in Japan on October 7, 1998 for four-day visit and he was kidnapped from a Tokyo hotel room in 1973.


This is really interesting topic to me and all Koreans because Japanese occupied period was very hard time to all Koreans mentally, physically and culturally. After the Second World War, Japanese needs to apologize to all Asians, Americans and especially Koreans like as German did. However they have never mentioned about that. Moreover some senates of Japan mentioned like as the War didn't have any problem. Therefore it has been regarded unforgivable attitude to Korean. However, now, they changed their attitude so that Korean and Japan, the historical enemies, can be new partners. It was really important and successful event to each country. Anyhow I am so happy to hear that and I wish we can keep good relationship forever. In addition, this article seems to analyze well about each country's point. Furthermore article didn't show western's point of view so that there were not any prejudice. I think it is important to write a news that I want to give A to this article.


# INFLICT(verb)~1.to make someone suffer something unpleasant
*infliction (noun)

# EXTEND(verb)~1.to continue for a particular distance or over a particular area 2. to make a building or road etc bigger or longer 3. to continue to happen or exist for a certain period time. 4. to increase period of time.

#ISSUE(verb)~1. To officially make a statement, give an order, warning etc. 2. to provide something for each member of a group

#BOOST(verb)~1.to increase something such as production, sales etc because they are not as high as you want to them to be.

#PLEDGE(verb)~1. To make a formal, usually public, promise that you will do something *pledge(noun)