Mitsuru Kasai
Oct 21 '98

Report Provides New Insight into Suicide
Press Release
Nov 24 '97


The report published by OHD "Suicide and Suicidal Thought by Oregonian", which is based upon the survey and death certificates, gives detail about the current tendency of suicide in Oregon, such as high suicide rate, suicide's characteristics and background, its way, time, etc.


I heard that Oregon has the highest suicide rate in the U.S., so I wanted to confirm it. Although I could not work it out, this article is still interesting. Not only interesting, it is also reliable, because Oregon Health Division is a public organization.


-commit (v): to perform (a crime, error, etc), do, perpetrate
commitment (n): obligation, involvement
"It describes not only the characteristics of Oregonians who have committed suicide, but provides..."

-prevalent (adj): generally existing or occurring
prevalence (n)
Oregon is the first state in the nation to use this survey to examine how prevalent the thought of suicide is among Oregonians,"

-assumption (n): 1. the act or instance of assuming 2. the act or instance of accepting without proofs
assume (v): take or accept as being true, without proof, for the purpose of argument or action.

"It also casts new light on some of our commonly held assumptions."

-exceed (v): more or greater than (in number, extent, etc) 2.go beyond or do more than is warranted by (a set of limit, esp. of one's instructions or rights) cf. surpass, excel (a person, achievement)

"Oregon's suicide rate has exceeded the nation's by at least 25 percent;"

-lethal (adj): causing or sufficient to cause death
lethality (n)
lethally (adv)

"firearms are usually lethal and require very little planning,"