Jaelim kim
10. 10. 98

"House approves impeachment inquiry"

by (AP)
Oct. 8. 98


This article reports about approval of President Clinton's impeachment inquiry. Oct. 8.98, The House authorized a impeachment inquiry of President Clinton. The investigation was approved by a 258-176 vote. In a debate, Democrats argued to limit the investigation to the Monica Lewinsky affair and finish it by year's end. However, Republicans, that wants to include Water-gate inquiry, rejected it. Under the same ideas, Republicans showed united opinions but Democrats displayed their divisions in the debate. Presidential impeachment inquiry was authorized 2times before Clinton's : Richard Nixon(1974), Andrew Johnson(1868).


I chose this article because I am very interest in President Clinton's case. Also, now, it is the hottest issue in U.S. Clinton has been bothered by gossips since Pola Jones(?) accused him. Finally he faced the situation that had to testify in front of Camera. After that, there were some consideration about Clinton's impeachment. Therefore, personally, I was very wonder about impeachment that would be or not. This case is really interesting to me because I am not American. It is just like a "movie". Also, however, as a student who is studying History, I am concerning how Americans will solve this problem. Personally, I agree with that Clinton shouldn't have lied under the oath. Moreover it is important to prove what truth is. However, Americans should think about his economical, social and international reputation. In addition, WHY AMERICANS DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO KENNEDY AND OTHERS?


#CONDUCT(noun) ~1. The way someone behave especially in public, in the job etc.
(c) conduct (verb) :
(c) conduction(noun)
(c) conductive(adjective)
(c) conductor(noun)

#INFECT(verb)~ 1. To give someone a disease
2. To put someone that spreads disease into food, water, the air etc.
3. if you excitement, eagerness etc. infects other people, it makes them that begin to feel the same way.
(c)infected ( adjective) (
c)infection ( noun)
(c)infectious ( adjective)

# PERVADE(verb) ~1. if a feeling, idea, or smell pervades a place, it spreads through every part of it. (

#COMPOUND(verb) ~ 1. To make a difficult situation even worse by adding more problems.
2. to make something by mixing different parts or substances together.
(noun)~ 1. A Combination of two or more things that make up a situation.
(adjective)~ 1. A noun or adjective that is made up of two or more words.

#VAIN(adjective) ~1. Someone who is vain is very proud of their good looks, abilities or position. 2. IN VAIN: without success in spite of your efforts.
3. an attempt, hope etc. that fails to achieve the result you wanted.