Creating Map Sheets using Surfer for Windows

For this project, I suggest you keep all files in the same directory. This will make it easier to move between computers.

You should start the process with an Excel worksheet containing the following information:

  1. Point Number
  2. Elevation
  3. Easting
  4. Northing

Step 1. Create a Surfer Data file

The simplest way to get this information into Surfer, without using intermediate files, is to use the Windows copy (Ctrl+c) and paste (Ctrl+v) commands.

Step 2. Create a map of points

There are two parts to this step. You need to create a map of points with point numbers, and then overlay a second map that has elevations.

Step 3. Scale the map

The next step is to work out the map scale you want to use. Surfer works in inches, and the total station data we have is in meters. The conversion factor is 1 inch = 2.54 cm. So, if we want a scale of 1:100, or 1 cm represents 1.00 m, this is the same as 2.54 cm represents 2.54 m, or 1 inch represents 2.54 meters.

Common map scales are given in the table below.

Map Scale

Surfer Scale

1: 100 1 inch represents 2.54 meters
1: 200 1 inch represents 5.08 meters
1: 250 1 inch represents 6.35 meters
1: 500 1 inch represents 12.70 meters

You should add a scale bar to your map using the Map … Scale bar menu item. This will let you check your map scale.

Step 4.Print the map

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Last modified: April 02, 2005