Homework Scores and Lecture Scores-Chem 223-Spring 2004

To retrieve your Homework and Quiz/Exam scores, enter your personal key in the box and press the appropriate button. Your personal key is the first letter of your last name(lowercase) followed by the last four digits of your social security number. The database does not contain your name or any other information. However, if you do not want your scores available, please notify Dr. Wiger. The data displayed will show the date the assignment was given, the maximum score possible and your score. If a correction has been made, it may not show up immediately as the grade records and the data for this page are separate files. If you think an error has been made or have questions about how your score was determined, you need to come to my office with your record sheets. Before doing so, please review the original assignment and the homework policies in the course syllabus.
Updated-June 9-Final Exam Scores Posted

All challenges to these scores must be received by noon, June 9

Personal Key(no spaces)
Scores will be displayed in this area