The Titanic, with over 2000 passengers on board, including hundreds of emigrants to the US, as well as some of the world's richest, sank in 1912. The seaborn
library provides a smaller-sized, anonymized data set of Titanic's passengers. Without identifying information, we can't tell the poor immigrant from the wealthy, yet the data manages to tell a story in other ways. Your task in this exercise is to answer a series of questions from the data, beginning with the mundane and ending with who survived.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn
t = seaborn.load_dataset('titanic')
Tasks: The exercise is to answer the following questions.
column? (Finite samples are divided into $q$ subsets of nearly equal sizes by $q$-quantiles. The 2-quantile is the median.)
data?(This fraction is sometimes called the survival rate - although it is an improper name in the sense that there is no "rate" to speak of here; the question is to compute a dimensionless fraction.)