Essays and Articles
- "Censorship at Georgetown,"James Martin Center (December 2024)
- "Here's What the Haters and Con Artists Won't Admit About New College," Sarasota Herald-Tribune (November 2024)
- "Defending the Reconquista at New College," James Martin Center for Academic Renewal (July 2024)
- "Developing Excellence in New College Faculty," Ncf.edu (May 2024)
- "The Bitterroot of Indigenous Knowledge,"The American Mind (April 2024)
- "Why I Am Joining the Reconquista,"The American Conservative (February 2024)
- "Things We Did Not Learn in College," Aporia Magazine
(January 2024)
- "A Massacre of History in Colorado," American Greatness (December 2023)
- "Are Teaching Evaluations Sexist?"James Martin Center for Academic Renewal (November 2023)
- "Edward Said's Long Reach from Harvard to Hamas,"Minding the Campus (November 2023)
- "We Need Some Muscle Over Here,"Academic Questions (Fall 2023)
- "The Academic Roots of Hamas's Terror," NAS Blog (October 2023)
- "Calling Foul on Big-Time College Sports," The American Mind (August 2023)
- "The Myth of a Free Speech Campus," Law & Liberty (August 2023)
- "My Legacy at the University of Toronto," NAS Symposium (July 2023)
- "The Dangerous Case of Bandy X. Lee," The American Mind (July 2023)
- "There's Nothing Left to Lose: On the Stop W.O.K.E. Act and Academic Freedom," Minding the Campus (July 2023)
- "Long Live Parks and Recreation Studies!", Minding the Campus (May 2023)
- "How Junk Citations Have Discredited the Academy," 5 parts, Minding the Campus (March 2023)
- "The Knowledge Machine that Failed," Minding the Campus (February 2023)
- "Retaking American Universities With Inspiration from Asia,"The Postil (February 2023)
- "The University to Policy-Maker Pipeline Under Biden," Minding the Campus (January 2023)
- "After the Anti-Racist Struggle at Trinity College, Toronto,"The Postil (2021)
- "The Minjung Millenarianism of Bandy X. Lee," Academic Questions (Spring 2021)
- "Beware of Bad Ideas: The Democratic State Has An Obligation to Act as a Gatekeeper to Protect Society," The Critic (2021)
- "Jamestown Year 1," The Critic (2020)
- "Why I'm Leaving the American Political Science Association,"Minding the Campus (2017)