Named for Humboldt (plants, animals, places) last modified:1/2/09 "Applied Biogeography" site - constructs lists of webpages that relate to the ZIPcode zone's life: invasive species, threatened species, all species. Has a quiz on identifying life in own area.

The New York Botanical Garden has good pictures of Humboldt-named plants.

The search facility for the Combined Union List of Marine and Aquatic Serials indicates that there are holdings of the journal Humboldtiana for the years 1978-1986 at the library (Bibliothek) of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine ResearchInstitut für Polar- und Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven • a search on "Humboldt" in the library's catalog yields 187 results

Plants (need categories: common name, scientific name, distribution, uses/ special notes, such as poisonous/ edible)

Humboldt's Willow (Salix humboldtiana), native to Belize, Chile - USDA Plants ProfileNew York Botanical Garden informationbilingual (Spanish / English) description (from SciELO Scientific Electronic Library Online [Chile]) •

Spigelia humboldtiana (vascular plant native to Belize) - New York Botanical Garden information with pictures

Oahu Rollandia (Cyanea humboldtiana) - endangered plant

Longtube Iris (Iris humboldtiana) - USDA Plants Profile

Coyotillo (tree/ shrub) (Karwinskia humboldtiana, poisonous) - USDA Plants Profile • Picture & description from herbarium site of Texas A&M • The plant is the source of a neurological disease similar to Guillaine-Barré (NIH abstract of paper by Mexican scientists at U. of Monterrey) •

Water Snowflake (Nymphoides humboldtiana) - USDA Plants Profile

Basselinia humboldtiana

Carex humboldtiana (vascular plant) - description & pictures from Texas A & M site

Nasa humboldtiana (zipcodezoo entry)

Lipocarpha humboldtiana (lipocarpha sellowiana)

Matela humboldtiana (Global Biodiversity Information Facility entry)

Rhodanthe humboldtiana, Australasia, ornamental, information on the US Department of Agriculture Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN)


molluscs - 9 species (Humboldtiana agavophila Pratt, 1971 etc.) in the genus Humboldtiana Ihering 1892 (ITIS Report) of the family Humboldtianidae of the order Stylommatophora of the class Gastropoda of the phylum Mollusca of the Kingdom Animalia. Further Humboldtiana on the "Discover Life" site

Family Humboldtianidae - The "animaldiversity" site has a long llist of snail & bug species, with taxonomic hierarchy. The same site also has teaching resources

Shell species Humboldtiana (famly helminthoglyptidae), 3 varieties - listing and picture from website "Malacos" for seashell researchers; link to their list of seashell resources (organizations, etc.)
