Intake Questionnaire: Then and Now - Experience and Material Goods last modified:3/5/13

Use boxes at right to answer Y/N or with a quantity, etc. Estimate where necessary. You may omit responses where the questions are uncomfortable for personal reasons.

How many pairs of shoes do you own? (include jogging shoes, sandals, etc.)

How many cooking pots are in your kitchen? (include frying pans, casseroles, etc.)

What is the ratio of occupants to rooms in your residence? (ex: 2:4 = two people occupy four rooms, such as 2 BR, one LR, K)

How many light bulbs are plugged into sockets in your residence? (count even those in small-voltage nightlights)

How many TVs, computer monitors, and laptop screens are there in your residence? (count the dead ones too)

How many solid drinking cups are there in your residence? (glass, hard plastic, metal)

Do you notice which fresh foods you buy are out of season and thus come from a distance?

How many cars did your family own at one time when you lived at home?

How many cars did your family own during the time you lived at home?

Have you every pawned / cheaply sold a possession so you could eat / pay overdue rent?

How many airline flights have you taken?

What is the farthest distance you have been from home?

How many people in your "group" - the people you hang out with - were born fewer than 20 miles from where you were born?

How many farmers do you know?

Do you know anyone who herds barnyard animals? (sheep, geese, etc.)

How many people do you know who earn their living by unskilled / semi-skilled manual labor? (pick and shovel, small powered equipment)

How many domestic servants have you seen in your life? (=in a nearby residence, not just in some large area and at a distance)

How many domestic servants do you know personally?

How many people do you know who are illiterate?

How many children in your school(s) (K-12) died of non-violent illness or injury while you were there?

How old was the youngest person whose death you experienced and how closely were you acquainted?

How many human corpses have you seen at a distance of less than 50 feet?

How many human corpses have you touched?

Do you know anyone who has been punished corporally for a crime?

What is the nearest you have been to armed enemy soldiers?

Have you ever been quarantined?

At what age do you expect to die?