4 • Technology Integral to "Wie, bitte?" from the start last modified:1/11/12

Goethezitat: "Ach Gott! Die Kunst ist lang, Und kurz ist unser Leben."

• Early use of word-processing by authors (1984 Mac); both had early experiences as letterpress printers, and I as an electronic typesetter

• Co-authors produced much camera-ready printing - laser-printing at 600dpi: 50¢ / page!! (Both authors had learned letterpress printing. WBF had worked as a photoelectronic typesetter.) Much attention to details of page, chapter and book layout.

• Co-authors handle the photography and supervised the audio recording at PSU. (vocal talent: Baden-Württemberg exchange students!)

• WBF designs the software package: the communicative writing activities (later to become "Cosmo Briefsteller") and the listening comprehension activities for numbers 0-99 (later to become "Cosmo Telefon").

• Blast from the Past: GW-BASIC, MS-BASIC, Slide-Show Magician, World Builder, then HyperCard (in an educational/FLL world still heavily Macintosh)

• ca. 1985: WBF begins teaching "Technology for Language Teachers"; student course evaluation comment ca. 1990: "Pretty good course, except the week he spent on digital sound. We'll never have a use for THAT in language teaching!"