Week 8: State and District Standards; testing reading and listening
(10') Review of previous meeting: assignment 4 (create a scoring guide) was introduced, and we developed an example of an activity: teaching students how to use their mobiles (Novice: hear/speak numbers, dial a phone number; Intermediate: interface navigation / explain a procedure); reminder about writing up the pseudo-OPI
(15') Rubrics some smaller topics: task and scoring guide for 2002 WLL research about proficiencies of 3XX-level GER and FREN students (0313)
(10') Initial discussion of BIMP (=Assignment 5, Big Ideas for Major Projects); the project does NOT have to involve language assessment (other possibilities: student attitudes, courses/ programs)
(15') rubrics beyond evaluating individual language performance: multiskill activities, for example GER 102 Project 1 (Einkaufen und Geschenke; also work samples 0777a • 0777b • 0777c • 0777d • 0777e • 0777f); quick overview (0084) of kinds of K-8 language programs;
(30') introduction to state & district standards (see reading assignment on "schedule" page) - quick look at the second language standards (0698); the timeline / pipeline for reform / innovation in education (0254, 0317); PPS second/world language standards (0010a); check "schedules" page for further reading for upcoming meetings; everyone should choose another subject area (English, natural science, social science, fine arts, mathematics) and read the Oregon standards for it
(10') introduction to testing reading and listening (examples; when something has to yield so that testing can be improved)
(10') written assignment #1 and on-the-spot revision of one part
(10') (if time) 0786 Clifford, Ray, "What Does it Mean to Learn a Language?" (TLE October 2008) back to the Big Picture of proficiency levels and program development