Chapter Downloads (PDFs)


NOTE: File status: May 2009. File size is generally 3 MB. Some files include graphics. In many cases the pictures are my own. Otherwise, the files have been modified so to be of degraded quality and thus not of commercial value. If and when Moonlighting in Turandot is published, I will obtain proper reproduction rights.

Preludio • Vorspiel • Prelude

Chapter I: Al sorger della luna • Beim Mondesaufgang • At Moonrise

Chapter II: Perduta la battaglia • Die Schlacht verloren • The battle lost

Chapter III: Fuoco e sangue • Feuer und Blut • Fire and blood

Chapter IV: Cento dolci petti • Hundert süsse Busen • A hundred sweet bosoms

Chapter V: Vuoi morire così? • Willst du so sterben? • Do you want to die like that?

Chapter VI: A stillarmi il cervel sui libri sacri • Zerbreche mir den Kopf über heilige Schriften • Racking my brains over sacred books

Chapter VII: Straniero! No tentar la fortuna! • Fremdlling! Versuche nicht das Glück! • Stranger, don't push your luck!

Chapter VIII: Dimmi il mio nome • Nenne mir meinen Namen • Tell me my name

Chapter IX: Il suo nome è… Amor! • Sein Name ist… Liebe! • His name is… Love!

Postludio • Nachspiel • Postlude