"Papa Joe & Co."Science Fiction Story & Radio Drama by Herbert W. Franke project supported by a Faculty Development Grant from Portland State University |
the binaural stereo recording technique | |
Article "Literatur für Leser and Listeners: Herbert W. Franke's Papa Joe & Co.", by William B. Fischer. literatur für leser 2006 #4 (vol. 29.4). publisher's summary of the volume (.pdf) • first and last pages of the article (.doc)
See "Archive" link below for access to many of the documents that the article cites but could not quote at length. / Der Link "Archiv" (unten) vermittelt den Zugang zu vielen Quellen, die im Artikel erwähnt wurden aber nicht ausführlich zitiert werden konnten. |
Archive of Publication & Media Clips about Binaural Stereo, "Papa Joe", German SF, etc. / Presse- u. Medienarchiv: Kunstkopfstereofonie, "Papa Joe", Deutsche SF, usw. |