(20') Billions of burgers, zettabytes of data, specialization of knowledge, and critical thinking/ reckoning
Partner activity: How many burgers can we get from 100,000 beeves? Followed by obituary of Fred Turner and article about explosion of quantity of available data (and how to store it).
SINQing the Humboldt canoe (wrapup, literally [learn how to use this word correctly]):
1) as material for discussion of curriculum: for math: age-appropriate activities; "spiral" syllabus; calculus?! AP?! Which other subject areas did we address / could be addressed?
2) food for thought: How do you know where you learned X? How do you know that what you learned is really true? How/When did you learn how to learn?
We never answered the question, So what could that boat hold?
Followup about the question one of you (2012W group) asked: "So did Humboldt actually calculate that all out when we was loading his canoe?" An example: "Alexander, Wie berechnest du die Größe von deinen Kanus? Alexandre, Le bateau ici - est-ce-que tu sais exactement s'il est assez grand?" And how did they figure out how much wood they needed for those boats and crates? They planned and calculated carefully; we have the expedition mission orders and packing lists of Cook and Lewis & Clark.
importance of DATA (for Humboldt, for us; about Humboldt); example: how many position measurements did H make in a day? How many other measurements?
Sources of errors in collecting and using data. Example: detecting non-solar planets
Some data-rich docs we can't spend much time on (but could be the subject of projects): the full narrative; econ of Mexico; later views of AvH: was he too data-driven to see the Big Picture.