Which countries existed as independent entities in 1800? France; Germany; Spain; Italy; Russia; Switzerland; Greece; Poland; Japan; India; Turkey; Israel; Palestine; New Zealand; Haiti; Cuba Did it exist in 1800? chess; dialysis; the piano; typewriter; tank (military); submarine; bicycle; plastic; aluminum; refined sugar; whiskey; Silent Night; O Come All Ye Faithful; Boy Scouts; blue jeans; ice cream; bottle cap; light bulb; camera; aspirin; "tin" can; zipper; pencil; Supreme Court; Mormon Church; Republican Party; watch (time-telling); railroad; oil wells; Periodic Table of Elements; contraceptive devices; Social Security; Federal Reserve; Stock Market; federal income tax; baseball; basketball; Harvard; Stanford. Address a letter to the President of the US (name, city of destination) Which were states in 1800? OR, CA, ME, OH, FL, LA List US states in 1800: Who was alive in 1800? Washington, Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Thomas Edison? |