Media about languages, etc. Mostly fun stuff & curiosities. Password protected because of copyright restrictions. To request the password, email me (friends known by name only, please!).

QuickTime Virtual Reality gallery (navigable panoramic views)
Bill in Portland Opera's Turandot, November 2003

Bill in The Defiant Requiem, Spring 2002

The new sailboat - built during spring of 2002 - construction pictures

Second outing with the sailboat, Vancouver Lake (east side), 2 August 2002

Trial launch of the sailboat, 17 July 2002 at Vancouver Lake Park (west side)

Family day-trip to coast, July 2002

Canoeing on the Tualatin River with Earl and Lan Rees, July 2002

Beth working as a lake ranger at Blue Lake Park, Summer 2002

Church campout at Metzler Park, mid-July 2002

Berry-picking on Sauvie Island, 6 July 2002

Katie and current dog Skye at dog fair, Clackamette Park, June 2002

Our church fund-raiser play. This year (May 2002), A.A.Milne's "The Ugly Duckling," with Bill as the King.

Bill's trip to Berlin, February 2002

Recent takes of the family dogs - always a pet subject

Blasts from the past - pics taken before we went digital