last modified: 9/22/11

The course FAQ has a section about "How to Study" - both general advice about learning languages, and specific advice about this course and its materials. The "Wie, bitte?" software has similar information under its "HELP" menu.

Two cautions about tutoring and tutors: 1) Tutors cannot magically make up for lack of studying. They're at their most helpful when they can help you through rough spots that you have already been working on. 2) Tutors have to know about our course, its materials, its methods, its standards, and its tests.

The PSU Tutoring Center offers free tutoring to language students (and for other courses as well). The staff of the Center has consulted with us about our course, and we can recommend their tutors with confidence.

About study groups: Yes, they can help. Useful activities are: practicing dialogs, conducting informal conversations ("small talk"), reviewing writing assignments and projects. Unhelpful activities: Talking about the language - trying to explain its unusual or mystifying features; discussing grammar and comparing German grammar to English grammar; vocabulary quizzing in English-German-English "flashcard" style - using vocabulary withing larger, meaningful exchanges is much better for remembering the words, and also helps on oral tests.