Page last modified: 2/1/05
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PSU Academic Calendar & Final Exam Schedule

IMPORTANT: this page is being revised often. Text altered with strikeout indicates material to ignore.

The course will cover Kontexte 9-16 or maybe 9-17, at a rate of one Kontext per week. Since students do not exist for courses, but rather courses for students, the schedule will be adjust to suit the needs of the learners. Humanity will not be sacrified to expediency. Besides, in good learning the journey is more important than the destination. :-)

(Dates are in the standard international sequence: dd/mm. Links below go to lower in this page. "K" = "Kontext" or chapter of Wie, bitte? Text altered with strikeout indicates material to ignore.)

Activities, assignments and tests (during the quarter) are listed in the week they are likely to occur. Because the sections meet on various days, have class periods of various length, and sometimes get out of phrase with each other (due to holidays, etc.), each section's instructor will announce the start and due dates for that section. The dates will be announced in class and by email. We expect to have websites for each instructor by spring quarter, and that information will all appear on them.

1 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
03.01 04.01 05.01 06.01 07.01

See above for the standard policy about when activities begin.
Start Kontext 9 "Im Zug". Review Kontexte 1-8 and German 101 final exams.

Assignment #01 and its Scoring Guide (link is to a page in a new window)

top of page

2 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
10.01 11.01 12.01 13.01 14.01

Continue Kontext 9 and orientation activities.

top of page

3 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
17.01 18.01 19.01 20.01 21.01

Start Kontext 10 "Wo ist die Straße?" (approx. date)

Legal holiday 17 January. Cultural enrichment: "Martin Luther King and German(s): the intersection" (page opens in new window, with links to sound files and other sites)

top of page

4 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
24.01 25.01 26.01 27.01 28.01

Start Kontext 11 "Wo ist die Straße?" (approx. date)

Writing Test #1

top of page

5 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
31.01 01.02 02.02 03.02 04.02

Start Kontext 12 "Hotel – Bad oder Dusche?" (approx. date)

Project: "Einkaufen u. Geschenke / Shopping & Gifts"

Oral Test #1

6 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
07.02 08.02 09.02 10.02 11.02

Start Kontext 13 "Geldautomat und Internetcafe" (approx. date)

This Kontext replaces the older Kontext 13 "Geldwechsel" (exchanging currency at the bank), whose setting and (at least in part) vocabulary have become obsolete with changes in technology and the introduction of the Euro (€) in German-speaking countries (except Switzerland). You will receive photocopies of the new dialogs and some support materials; other resouces will be posted on the internet or sent by email.

7 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
14.02 15.02 16.02 17.02 18.02

Cultural enrichment: Presidents' Day: Did you know that the most famous American painting, the one that shows "Washington Crossing the Delaware" (and standing up in the boat!) was painted by a German artist? Did you know that the Declaration of Independence was published in German, in Philadelphia, by Benjamin Franklin, just two days after it was published in English? (page opens in new window, with link to sound file)

8 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
21.02 22.02 23.02 24.02 25.02

9 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
28.02 01.03 02.03 03.03 04.03

10 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
07.03 08.03 09.03 10.03 11.03

Final Examinations
Mo Di Mi Do Fr
14.03 15.03 16.03 17.03 18.03

1840 Minty final

0800-0950 Trost Final

1015-1205 Fischer Final

0800-0950 Beilby Final
1230-1420 Gross Final

Schlußprüfungen - The final examination consists of a writing test,a listening test, a reading test, and an individual oral test. You may take your final with any section, but if you are not taking yours with your own section, please inform both instructors involved.
Basic assignments for preceding Kontext due; all other work due as well - instructors determine how late during finals period they will accept work for grades.