(updated: 5 December 2004)
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11 October Project #1 - "Have Fun with German" - is now available and officially assigned. Scroll to "Projects" section below or use the pulldown menu at the top of this page.
3 October 2004 Assignment #
About Scoring Guides: The course uses the standard 6-level system for performance evaluation. Key features of the learning activity are described with performance profiles at the various levels. If the scoring guide for your activity is available to you while you are doing the activity, you can use it as a recipe to get the grade you want - if you do the learning that produces the results described in the scoring guide.
in preparation for use in winter quarter 2005
#2 - "Meine Traumreise / My Dream trip" (link opens in new window)
#1 - "Have Fun with German" (link opens in new window)
Tests cover all material through the Kontext that has been completed as the text cycle begins. You can't use just part of a language, so we don't test just part of it. You may take your tests with any section of the course; please notify both instructors if you plan to do that. Some finals are not on the usual days for their sections, or not at the same time of day a their classes.