Meeting 12 • 7 May 2009 • Thursday


People: Benoit, Montaigne; Breedlove, Clifford E.; McDonnell, Kelsey C.; Orcutt, Kathleen S.; Pennington, Laurissa B.; Salinas, Victor; Tasi, Joana; Watters, Erin.


(X') = anticipated time in minutes (total= 110' minus break)
(#0001) etc.=item in document collection (will be explained in class)
Key to notes added AFTER the class meets:
√ = topic / activity that was adequately dealt with during the class
+ = topic needs more attention & will be resumed at next / subsequent meeting(s)
- = a topic / activity that was proposed but not carried out - will be taken up later
Struckthrough text like this = a topic / activity that was proposed but not included is not going to be taken up after all
Italic text like this = comments after the meeting

Week 6: Team-Based Learning (TBL); Thinking toward project #3: a hefty CBI activity with long-term possibilities (course? cooperation within a large program outside?)

materials: ads for study abroad; Shrum about communicative competence

(10') A movie clip about learning Spanish (poorly!) for a rather unusual vocational purpose - why is this not good CBI? CBI for its own sake (C), vs for the sake of language learning


(30' or more) More project discussions; if anyone is still lacking a course idea (Project 3), I recommend looking at programs where ordinary students (=not language students) make study / work trips abroad (ecology in Costa Rica, etc.) and developing a CBI component for them; see:; earthwatch; courses at abroad equivalents of community colleges (German: VHS / Volkshochschule)


(20') Team-based learning for CBI purposes: 1) try out the SpeakEasy activity "re-organizing the classroom into a workplace"; 2) groupwork vs. GROUPWORK/ TEAMWORK - how to set it up using L2, making things happen outside class, assessment issues, tensions (examples: SpeakEasy departments, SF drama production sub-teams);

(20') IF TIME: Four takes on the same underlying idea: 1) empathy with our learners; 2) accurately assessing their proficiency before we start CBI (#0403 first-year Spanish at PSU, especially pp. 529-30); 3) remembering that learning is both process (journey) and result (destination); 4) our recollections of our own language learning - are they accurate? and what do we mean when we say, "Well, I learned [x] when…"? 5) Europeans and their CBI-related ESL; 6) relating the function- and context-driven nature of CBI to how we get our students to acquire vocabulary and structure (aka grammar).


(20') how CBI relates to careers in language teaching; CBI-related grant possibilities; links: Humboldt Project grants page; Albanian project; PSU CAE (see link "resources" and also "International CBL"); PSU OAA faculty development resources, including AIM grants; example of US DOE grant site (CFDA 84.017)

Upcoming class meeting(s) (#13 12 May 2009 Tuesday)

Emphasis: course-length CBI; portfolios & work samples (as CBI activities, for assessment, for professional use; Humboldt Project: "Earth Day with Alex" / Cynanea humboldtiana - our endangered species

Further topics: Russian Flagship program; LAC in various programs elsewhere; German 101 "Traumreise / Dream Trip" project as starting point for a for-credit CBI module

Team-Based Learning (Michaelsen book), resources 0164, 0191, 0192, 0193, 0431;

If not read already: Portland Public Schools "Recommendations for the Second Language Minimum Performance Standards" (#0010a)

upcoming (NOT yet assigned): 0094, 0114, 0164 & other TBL, 0270; T&C rice cultivation

McWhorter about Black English / standard English and Afrocentric curriculum

FLA about Engineering & German

Second-language and ESL modules for the Humboldt Project

Schalock about history of US ed and standards

Upcoming assignment(s)

This section offers a PREVIEW, not activated assignments. Assignments are made, with announcement of their deadlines, both in class and on the "schedule" page.

Maybe a second reflective piece: "Oh, so that's what standards in other content areas are like!"





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