Meeting 04 • 9 April 2009 • Thursday |
People: Benoit, Montaigne; Breedlove, Clifford E.; McDonnell, Kelsey C.; Orcutt, Kathleen S.; Pennington, Laurissa B.; Salinas, Victor; Tasi, Joana; Watters, Erin.
Today |
(X') = anticipated time in minutes (total= 110' minus break)
(#0001) etc.=item in document collection (will be explained in class)
Key to notes added AFTER the class meets:
√ = topic / activity that was adequately dealt with during the class
+ = topic needs more attention & will be resumed at next / subsequent meeting(s) - = a topic / activity that was proposed but not carried out - will be taken up later
Struckthrough text like this = a topic / activity that was proposed but not included is not going to be taken up after all
Italic text like this = comments after the meeting
Week 2: More what is 'CBI'. Other examples of CBI, and start of first learning activity. Content-area Standards & Lesson Plans |
GER 399 "Science Fiction Radio Drama Production" and its earlier version, the "Papa Joe" Project;
the "Humboldt Project", and its earlier versions, FLL 399 (2006W) and GER 427/527 (2006F); also my PSU SINQ presentation (October 2008);
CBI activity scoring guide (see handout from previous meetings or use this link)
samples of reflections about Levine and Scheutz/ Colangelo
(5') little things: CBI activity scoring guide (see handout from previous meeting or use this link); Teaser question from recent email: What might be the difference between content-based instruction and subject-based instruction ("subject" = something that might be the focus of a specific course, such as physics, social studies, or history of art)?
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(10') while we're on scoring guides: 1) the SpeakEasy SG (as course, as company) for what it says about CBI pedagogy: is the activity really CBI? why would SE the course be scored differently from SE the company? 2) The Assignment 1 (reflection) SG: how to weight the factors?
(10') the CBI drama production - can we flesh it out the way you've seen how SpeakEasy is built and then maybe extend those ideas to a completely different area of CBI? (see next item)
(30') the first CBI project - a) overview of the assignment; b) more about the example from mathematics (with a little help from Pizza Schmizza and a lot of small coins; c) only if time: pizza and pi for hands-on learning of abstract principles; d) maybe a second example, involving not only math but urgent-care medicine and the metric system; e) examples of your own ideas
(20') More about subject area standards (example: Oregon and Portland Public Schools); why and how a "toehold" for CBI was built into OUS standards for exiting high-schoolers
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(20') the Humboldt Project as an example of a) CBI quite different from SpeakEasy; b) activities appropriate to Project #2 (thematic unit covering several weeks of CBI learning)
(10') upcoming: lesson plan resources; oops! almost forgot: SpeakEasy and sustainability
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Some of you have asked for background reading in the basics of language pedagogy: In class I'll show or at least mention several of the standard books. And here are some article on your CD-ROM:
0068 Spinelli, Language Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century - BIG PICTURE
0120 Lafayette & Strasheim, The Standard Sequence… GOOD FOR HISTORY of methods
0153 Principles of Effective Practice - LONG AND GOOD, but read this one LAST
0156 Omaggio, Comparison of Methods - GREAT BRIEF overview of the implications of various methods
0677 Eight Approaches - START WITH THIS ONE
Upcoming class meeting(s) (#5 • 14 April 2009 Tuesday) |
Week 3: You'll be presenting, for group discussion, your ideas for CBI Project 1 and relating them to the other two projects. Basic rule: Two of your projects can overlap, but not all three. That is so you will explore more than one subject-area.
recommend from Stryker/Leaver: chapter 3 Italian (novice, intermediate); chapter 4 (Czech becomes Croatian and Serbian, novice [??])
1) Portland Public Schools "Recommendations for the Second Language Minimum Performance Standards" (#0010a)
2) Lesson plans (#0434, 0435) and websites:
FREE - Federal Resources for Educational Excellence <> - not just lesson plans; also links to organizations, competitions, etc.
thirteen ed online - huge collection of lesson plans, projects, etc. <>
National Park Service - Wupatki National Monumen resources for teachers <>
The JASON Project (National Geographic Society) - curricular resources about great events and great explorers (5th-8th grades, but flexible <>
Curriki - Wiki for lesson plans <>
Can people find lesson plan collections for other langs? Here's one for German: Unterrichtsmaterial & Arbeitsblätter <>
Background reading about overall directions in our profession: #0002, #0003
upcoming (NOT yet assigned): 0094, 0114, 0164 & other TBL, 0270; T&C rice cultivation
Upcoming assignment(s) |
This section offers a PREVIEW, not activated assignments. Assignments are made, with announcement of their deadlines, both in class and on the "schedule" page.
Maybe a second reflective piece: "Oh, so that's what standards in other content areas are like!"
Announcements |
Misc. |
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