Meeting 02 • 2 April 2009 • Thursday |
People: Benoit, Montaigne; Breedlove, Clifford E.; McDonnell, Kelsey C.; Orcutt, Kathleen S.; Pennington, Laurissa B.; Salinas, Victor; Tasi, Joana; Watters, Erin.
Today |
(X') = anticipated time in minutes (total= 110' minus break)
(#0001) etc.=item in document collection (will be explained in class)
Key to notes added AFTER the class meets:
√ = topic / activity that was adequately dealt with during the class
+ = topic needs more attention & will be resumed at next / subsequent meeting(s) - = a topic / activity that was proposed but not carried out - will be taken up later
Struckthrough text like this = a topic / activity that was proposed but not included is not going to be taken up after all
Italic text like this = comments after the meeting
Week 1: Main Topic(s): Introduction to the Course, of course; our group; What is 'CBI'? |
from previous meeting
Chapter 1 of Stryker/Leaver (photocopy in first meeting, #0410b in course collection, for use until books arrive);
examples from my courses:
German 320 / 415 / 515 Business Simulation Course and its related "SpeakEasy Company Website"; also my ACTFL Conference presentation (November 2008); the course / company scoring guide (see handout from previous meeting or use this link)
GER 399 "Science Fiction Radio Drama Production" and its earlier version, the "Papa Joe" Project;
the "Humboldt Project", and its earlier versions, FLL 399 (2006W) and GER 427/527 (2006F); also my PSU SINQ presentation (October 2008);
examples of other courses and projects elsewhere: Levine's second-year simulation courses (#0172, #0705); Ryan-Scheutz & Colangelo's beginner-level (!) drama production (#0019); the "Big Book" activity for middle-schooler FLES (#0407);
CBI activity scoring guide (see handout from previous meeting or use this link)
new: Kasper (preface, #0409a) - was in handout for meeting #1, but was not discussed; samples of reflections about Levine and Scheutz/ Colangelo
(10') Fast review of Tuesday and overview of course: texts, activities, goals; little things: disks, database printouts; book orders; CBI activity scoring guide (see handout from previous meeting or use this link) Learning participants' names: the activity of introducing / naming as an example of CBI (making company name tags, conducting job interviews, creating portfolios)
(10') So what IS 'CBI'? Stryker/Leaver's definition & description (#0410b). Have we ourselves encountered/ done CBI in FL/ESL - as teachers? as learners (adult, child)? as parents?
(30') Some examples of CBI - see above, "materials", especially "SpeakEasy". What does it "take" to "do" CBI? (materials, environments, traits); the course / company scoring guide (see handout from previous meeting or use this link)
(10') Break (if group decides to)
(20') Ryan-Scheutz & Colangelo's beginner-level (!) drama production (#0019) and Levine's simulations (#0172, #0705): followup on your own reflections; language pedagogy issues; what the drama production tells us about the range of content that can appear in CBI; what it tells us about that "special" content of our field: literature; for an explosive discussion about that last topic see Donato and Brooks (#0104)
- |
(20') The "Humboldt Project": see links above
(10') upcoming: see section immediately below; if time: group drafts the scoring guide for the reflection
Upcoming class meeting(s) (#3 • 07 April 2009 Tuesday) |
1) You should be reading one or both of the main books (Stryker/Leaver, Kasper) at the rate of one chapter a week, in the order they appear in the books. Don't be surprised if they come up in class.
2) Fukushima, "Promotional Video in a Foreign Language Course" (#0175)
3) ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines (speaking #0012; writing #0013) - this should be review reading, not new; here are the older, language-specific guidelines for Spanish (#0032), German (#0033), French (#0034), and Japanese (#0042)
4) Subject-area standards for exiting high-schoolers in the state of Oregon (#0691 Second Languages; #0693 Visual & Performing Arts; #0694 English; #0695 Mathematics; #0696 Science; #0697 Social Science
5) Samples of reflections about Levine and Scheutz/ Colangelo
Upcoming assignment(s) |
This section offers a PREVIEW, not activated assignments. Assignments are made, with announcement of their deadlines, both in class and on the "schedule" page.
CBI Project 1: An instructional module for a single classroom meeting.
Announcements |
Misc. |
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