Staff Suppport (Password-Protected) - Spring 2008 CBI last modified: 4/3/08

Items will be posted with the newest at the top.
Links open in new windows. Link to documents we might use.

2 April:

for 3 april: use teachable moment page from ESL book; discuss assignments (stuff for other users: sec lit reports; vocab list; 2 minor modules or plans; one major effort; grant idea; field trip with video); discuss articles; show SpeakEays (including the background docs

8 APril: HP in detail;

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29-31 March 2008

first week: research the topic (200ff): books; FLA; other journals; ACTFL resources; ESL; examples of CBI

read ESL book about lit; Stryker C1

own experiences in CBI of some kind (Bill at Deutsche Bank)

develop L2 vocab of CBI

TBI, community; capstones

engineering / third-year German

other HPs: rice cultivation, textiles, RfPASS Encounters

reintroducing literature

Earth Day; Earth Hour

PDX videos about travel, Amazon

museum vocabulary exchanges

projects for lang classes vs. projects for lang students in other classes along with non-lang students

major projects: modules for HP, plan for drama activity, plan for course (K-12: PE, music, arts; college: SpeakEasy, other simulation)

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