num author Title source
Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Preparing for the 21st Century
002 Schulz, Renate Changing Perspectives in Foreign Language Education: Where Do We Come from? Where Are We Going? FLA 35.3 (May/June 2002):285-292
003 James, Dorothy Re-Shaping the College-Level Curriculum: Problems and Possibilities Teaching German in America: Past Progress and Future Promise, ed. George F. Peters. AATG: 2002. pp 181-222
009 Barnett, Marva A. "Writing as a Process" Northeast Confrence Newsletter, 31 (Winter 1992)
010 Pew Second Language Design Team Recommendations for the Second Language Minimum Performance Standards [ for PPS Portland Public Schools] 1999; two versions: 2001 (59ff) and 2006 (43pp.)
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines - Speaking - Revised 1999 FLA 33.1 (Jan/Feb 2000)
ACTFL Preliminary Proficiency Guidelines - Writing - Revised 2001
016 Krueger, Merle, and Frank Ryan, eds. Language and Content: Discipline- and Content-Based Approaches to Language Study Lexington, MA; D. C. Heath
019 Ryan-Scheutz, Colleen, and Laura M. Colangelo Full-Scale Theater Production and Foreign Language Learning FLA 37.3 (Fall 2004): 374-89
020 OUS Teaching and Assessing Proficiency for University Admission, 2001-2005 edition: PASS Guide to Second Languages
ACTFL Provisional Proficiency Guidelines and Grammar Grids: Spanish
ACTFL Provisional Proficiency Guidelines and Grammar Grids: German
ACTFL Provisional Proficiency Guidelines and Grammar Grids: French
ACTFL Japanese Proficiency Guidelines FLA 20.6 (December 1987):589-92
063 Curtain, Helena, and Carol Ann Bjornstad Pesola Languages and Children: Making the Match Longman
068 Spinelli, Emily Language Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century SWCOLT Newsletter, September 1999
069 Alalou, Ali, et al Using Student Expectations and Perceived Needs to Rethink Pedagogy and Curriculum: A Case Study FLA 32.1, 1999:27-44
082 Smulyan, Susan Discovering Science and Technology through American History Technology and Culture, 35.4, October 1994, 846-856
084 Pesola, Carol Ann FLES and similar programs - basic explanation probably Languages and Children: Making the Match
089 Fischer Faculty Enhancement Program Proposal: Multilingual Business Language Course in the Form of an Actual e-Commerce Business
094 ERIC Integrating Language and Content: Lessons from Immersion
101 Rauch, Jonathan sex, lies, and video games (about communicative game programs with some sort of language interface and use Atlantic Monthly November 2006, 76-86
104 Donato, Richard, and Frank B. Brooks Literary Discussions and Advanced Speaking Functions: Researching the (Dis)Connection FLA 37.2 (Summer 2004): 183-199
Scoring Guide definitions
114 Rifkin, Benjamin Guidelines for Foreign Language Lesson Planning FLA 36.2 (summer 2003):167-179
115 ACTFL Issues Paper Designing a Standards-Based Thematic Unit Using the Learning Scenario As an Organizing Framework ACTFL Newsletter Spring 1999: 9-12
120 Lafayette, Robert C., and Lorraine S. Strasheim The Standard Sequence and the Non-Traditonal Methodologies FLA 17:6, 1984: 567-74
132 Fischer Technology as Medium of Delivery and As Content of Learning: German 320 Business Simulation and German 399 Science Fiction - award proposal Fischer
138 Short, Deborah, and Anna Whitcher Meeting the Challenge of Teaching in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Settings: Reflections on a Center s Progress ERIC
141 Cummins, Patricia W. Preparing Students at All Levels for the World of Business in High School and College Language Classes NE Newsletter 35 (Winter 1994): 17-19
Principles of Effective Practice for High Quality Foreign Language Instruction source??
156 Omaggio Comparison of Methods in Terms of Proficiency Orientation (from Omaggio article) Methodology in Transition , FLA
164 Michaelsen, Larry K. ed. Team-Based Learning: a Transformative Use of Small Groups; chapter 2: Getting Started with Team-Based Learning, with preface Westport, CT: Praeger, 2002
172 Levine, Glenn S., et al Global Simulation: A Student-Centered, Task-Based Format for Intermediate Foreign Language Courses FLA 37.1 (Spring 2004):26-36
175 Fukushima, Tatsuya Promotional Video Production in a Foreign Language Course FLA 35.3 (May/June 2002):349-355
176 Lear, Darcy W. Spanish for Working Medical Professionals: Linguistic Needs FLA 38.2 (Summer 2005):223-235
177 Price, Joseph, and Carolyn Gascoigne Current Perceptions and Beliefs Among Incoming College Students Towards Foreign Language Study and Language Requirements FLA 39.3 (Fall 2006): 383-94
183 Fischer German for the Business and Professional World: Provisional Course Description
188 Pfeil, Karen Auf Deutsch, Bitte? Total Immersion German Programs in the United States German Life August/Sept. 2006 42-4
191 Michaelsen, Larry K., et al Team-Based Learning, Chapter 3: Creating Effective Assignments, pp. 53-75
192 Dinan, Frank J. Team-Based Learning, Chapter 5: An Alternative to Lecturing in the Sciences Michaelsen, Larry K.
193 Michaelsen, Larry K. Team-Based Learning, Appendix D: Miscellaneous Materials Related to Team-Based Learning
197 Swaffar, Janet King Reading in the Foreign Language Classroom: Focus on Process Unterrichtspraxis, Fall 1981, 176-193
ACTFL Guidelines: Culture (French, German, Spanish)
Bloom s taxonomy and thinking skills
248 Padilla, Amado, et al Development and Implementation of Student Portfolios in Foreign Language Programs FLA 29.3 (1996): 429-38
270 Crandall, JoAnn, and Kren Willetts Content-Based Language Instruction ERIC/CLL News Bulletin 9.2 (March 1986): 1, 7-8
275 Gabel, Dorothy Chapter 9. Science ?? 123-143
276 ACTFL group; Spinelli, Emily, chair, et al Languages Across the Curriculum: A Post-Secondary Initiative ACTFL Newsletter Fall 1995: 5-8
281 Hoecherl-Alden, Gisela Connecting Language to Content: Second Language Literature Instruction at the Intermediate Level FLA 39.2 (Summer 2006): 244-54
Integrated Thematic Unit: House Richmond Elementary School, Atsuiko Ando
319 Mandell, Paul B. On the Background and Motivation of Students in a Beginning Spanish program FLA 35.5 (Sept./Oct. 2002): 530-42
333 Stevens, Dannelle, and H. Levi. Introduction to Rubrics Sterling, VA: Stylus, 2005, pp. 17-46
335 PSU team Comprehensive Guide to Rubric Development PSU Assessment Initiative, 2002
339 Moran, J. J. Mastering Performance Portfolios Moran, J. J. Assessing Adult Learning: A Guide for Practitioners. Malabar, FL: Krieger, 1999, chapter 6, pp. 109-29
Washington s proposed math rules to be released Tuesday Oregonian 3 Dec. 2007, p. D8
346 Curtain -Pesola kinds of K-8 language program (FLEX, FLES, two-way, immersion, etc.) Languages and Children: Making the Match
application for Braitmayer $35K grant for Humboldt Project 2007
356 Bueno, Kathleen A. Creating Community and Making Connections in the Third-Year Spanish Course: A Content-Based Approach FLA 35.3 (May/June 2002):333-42
367 DuPuy, Beatrice C. Content-Based Instruction: Can It Help Ease the Transition from Beginning to Advanced Foreign Language Classes? FLA 33.2 (March/April 2000): 205-23
368 Ulrich, Jutta Norris Putting Language before Business: The Business Case Study in the Foreign Langauge Classroom FLA 33.2 (March/April 2000): 205-23
371 Rava, Susan The Changing Face of the Intermediate Language Curriculum FLA 33.3 (May/June 2000): 342-48
374 Hoecherl-Alden, Gisela Turning Professional: Content-Based Communication and the Evolution of a Cross-Cultural Language Curriculum FLA 33.6 (Nov./Dec. 2000): 614-21
375 Katz, Stacey L. Videoconferencing with the French-Speaking World: A User s Guide FLA 34.2 (March/April 2001): 152-57
380 Bueno, Kathleen A., Creating Community and Making Connections in the Third-Year Spanish Course: A Content-Based Approach FLA 35.3 (May/June 2002): 333-42
393 Rifkin, Benjamin Oral Proficiency Learning Outcomes and Curricular Design FLA 36.4 (Winter 2003): 582-88
397 Weist, Vanisa D. Literature in Lower-Level Courses: Making Progress in Both Language and Reading Skills FLA 37.2 (Summer 2004): 209-23
The Effect of a Student Video Project on Vocabulary Retention of First-Year Secondary School German Students FLA 39.1 (Spring 2006): [website says coming soon ]
407 Colville-Hall, Susan Using Big Books: A Standards-Based Instructional Approach for Foreign Language Teacher Candidates in a PreK-12 Program FLA 39.3 (Fall 2006): 487-506
409 Kasper, Loretta F. Content-Based ESL Instructon Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000
410 Stryker, Stephen B., and Betty Lou Leaver, eds. Content-Based Instruction in Foreign Language Education: Models and Methods
423 Krueger, Merle, and Frank Ryan, eds. Resituating Foreign Languages in the Curriculum Language and Content: Discipline and Content-Based Approaches to Language Study. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, ??
431 Herreid, Clyde Freeman Team-Based Learning, Chapter 6: Using Case Studies in Science And Still Covering the Content Michaelsen, Larry K., Team-Based Learning (2002), pp. 109-118
432 Rusterholz, Barbara Lomas Developing Oral Proficiency in the Business French Class The French Review. 64.2 (December 1990): 253-60
434 Tollefson, Ann Free Spanish Materials [content-based materials for K-6] Lingo [PNCFL Journal] 8.3 (May 2008): 6-7
CBI Middle School sample lesson (Wyoming) see 434; this is a .doc
436 Armengol, Regla, and Ingrid C. Badia Developing the Language of Mathematics in Partial Immersion: The Ladder to Success ERIC/CLL News Bulletin 21.2 (Spring/Summer 19989): 1, 4-7
501 Brinton, Donna M., and Peter Master, eds. New Ways in Content-Based Instruction TESOL, 1997
502 ed. Leaver, Betty Lou, and Jane R. Willis Task-Based Instruction in Foreign Language Education: Practices and Programs Georgetown, 2004
602 Shumway, Nicholas Language Teaching in Literature Departments: Natural Partnership or Shotgun Marriage? ADFL Bulletin 21.3 (Spring 1990): 40-3
607 Smith, Roch C. Internationalizing the Campus: A National Agenda ADFL Bulletin 22.1 (Fall 1990): 4-9
608 Hoffmann, Ernst Fedor, and Dorothy James Toward the Integration of Foreign Language and Literature Teaching at All Levels of the College Curriculum ADFL Bulletin 18.1 (September 1986): 29-33
618 Iodice, Don R. Foreign Languages and International Business: Are We Meeting the Needs? ADFL Bulletin 15.1 (September 1983): 27-29
619 Suárez, José I. Portuguese-Language Training in a Graduate Business Program ADFL Bulletin 21.3 (Spring 1990): 49-52
620 Gaudiani, Claire The New Imperative: The M.B.A. and Foreign Languages ADFL Bulletin 16.1 (September 1984): 23-26
622 Guntermann, Gail, and Debrah N. Losse Languages for International Business: A Pilot Project ADFL Bulletin 16.1 (September 1984): 31-34
629 Kühne, Robert J., and Gerda P. Jordan Integrating International Business and Language Training ADFL Bulletin 111.3 IMarch 1980): 27-30
633 Cohen, Andrew D., etc. al Activity 1: Learning Style Survey: Assessing Your Learning Styles Styles- and Strategies-Based Instruction: A Teacher s Guide, pp. 15ff
634 Cohen, Andrew D., etc. al Learning Style Preferences Styles- and Strategies-Based Instruction: A Teacher s Guide, pp. 7 ff.
635 Cohen, Andrew D., etc. al Table 1 Styles- and Strategies-Based Instruction: A Teacher s Guide, pp 13-14
647 Sadow, Stephen A. Creative Problem-Solving for the Foreign Language Class FLA 16.2 (April 1983): 115-20
648 Grosse, Christine Uber Attitudes Toward Languages for Business at Two South Florida Universities FLA 16.6 (December 1983): 449-53
654 Buck, Kathryn, and David V. Hiple The Rationale for Defining and Measuring Foreign Language Proficiency in Programs for Business FLA 17.5 (October 1984): 525-8
655 Gillespie, Kate, and William R. Folks, Jr. Foreign Language and International Business: The MIBS Program after Ten Years FLA 18.1 (February 1985): 47-52
656 Reschke, Claus Career Education at the College Level: A Modest Proposal ADFL Bulletin 9.1 (September 1977): 43-8
659 Pessoa, Silvia, et al Content-Based Instruction in the Foreign Language Classroom: A Discourse Perspective FLA 40.1 (Spring 2007): 102-21
677 Doggett, Gina Eight Approaches to Language Teaching ERIC 1986, December
OUS PASS Second Languages Standards 2003-05
OUS PASS Guide to Second Languages Standards 2001-05
OUS PASS Visual & Performing Arts Standards 2005-06
OUS PASS English Standards 2005-06
OUS PASS Math Standards 2005-06
OUS PASS Science Standards 2005-06
OUS PASS Social Science Standards 2005-06
OUS PASS Second Languages Standards 2005-06
ACTFL Blueprint for Action on Language Education Summary of the Proceedings at the National Language Policy Summit January 10-11, 2005 ACTFL
700 Spinelli, Emily, with others ACTFL Professional Issues Report (White Paper): Languages Across the Curriculum: A Postsecondary Initiative ACTFL
Social Science Standards for 2005-06: Transitions - A Framework of Oregon Standards to Prepare Middle- and High-School Students for College Success OUS/ODE/ Department of Community Colleges & Workforce Development
LinguaFolio Nebraska
705 Levine, Glenn S., et all Global Simulation at the Intersection of Theory and Practice in the Intermediate-Level German Classroom Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German, 37.2 (Autumn, 2004): 99-116
710 McWhorter, John The Word on the Street: Fact and Fable about American English NY: Plenum, 1998
712 Neville, David O., and David W. Britt A Problem-Based Learning Approach to Integrating Foreign Language into Engineering FLA 226-246
CBI ideas - academic programs that could add languages (2009ff.): Argentina Study Business & Sustainability; Mexico Study Community Development; Belize Researching Red Mangrove Regeneration; PSU Capstone Again & Health in Nicaragua; Sustainability in Tuscany;; PSU bulletinboards;
717 Shrum, Judith L., and Eileen W. Glisan Contextualized Language Instruction (Teacher s Handbook), TOC & Ch 1 Thomson/Heinle
CBI ideas - non-academic activities (2009 ff.): ATTENCION Se Renta Apartamentos; Spring Fling Bid on a Date; UTSAV art of Living roundation; Train to be a Ballroom and Latin Dance instructor; Canoe Island French Camp
719 Haught, Nancy Gifts of grateful wonder: A Quintana exhibit presents painted thank-you notes to saints, statues and carvings Oregoian Tuesday, May 5, 2009, p. B1
721 Williams, Anne Shared interests prompt teachers to create a class: They found that many students were drawn to learning about literature and the outdoors Eugene Register-Guard, 9 May 2009, A1, A8
725 Carney, Judith Landscapes of Technology Transfer: Rice Cultivation and African Continuities Technology and Culture, 37.1 (January 1996): 5-35
728 Clayton, Patti H. Where s the Learning in Experiential Learning? 2008 NC State Undergraduate Assessment Symposium, April 2008; I was there
730 Terry, Lynne FDA ramps up pepper warning [CBI example] oregonian April 3 2009 C1
732 O Brien, Kyle Portland s promoter: Travel Portland spreads the word to visitors and locals alike Oregonian June 2, 2009, C4
733 Schwartz, Randy K. Resources on Mathematical Ideas Among the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America Mathematical Association of America 2009
742 Brinton, Donna Content-Based Second Language Instruction NY: Newbury (Harper & Row), 1989. PSU library P 53 .B755 1989
743 Leaver, Betty Lou, and Jane R. Willis, ed. Task-Based instruction in Foreign Language Education Washington, DC: Georgetown UP, 2004. PSu library P 53 .T344 2004
745 Nunan,David Task-Based Language Teaching Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2004. PSU library P 53 .N86 2004
748 Melton, Judith M. Using Drama to Teach Languages ADFL Bulletin, 11.3(March 1980): 36-8
785 ter Horst, Eleanor E., and Joshua M. Pearce Foreign Languages and the Environment: A Collaborative Instructional Project The Language Educator, October 2008, 26-30