Meeting 20 • 02 June 2011


Todaymy deadline page

numbers in ( ) = minutes planned for activity/ topic
= topic / activity that was adequately dealt with during the class
+ = topic needs more attention & will be resumed at next / subsequent meeting(s)
–M (earlier: –) = a topic / activity that was proposed but not carried out (but will be taken up later for MORE discussion)
N = a topic / activity that was proposed but not included / is NOT going to be taken up after all
Red italic text like this = comments after the meeting

(5) (possibly a regular feature:) assessment (or language learning or just education) in the news! (If I can find something). Today: Large-scale assessment – a recent books takes on the whole higher ed system

Quote of the day- from

(20) PSU first-year German goals (see photocopies)

(20) Assessing professional progress: the proficiencies listed in 0056 Reaching for PASS (see photocopies)

(20) Assessing programs: 0916 chair's questions for a language section

(20) The BIMP mini-conference: how to conduct it – introductions, documents, structure of presentations (summary sentences / short paragraphs), timing (before / during), Q&A, socializing; the Monday rehearsal

(05) The long list of topics we just didn't have time to cover: EU standards; ESL standards; technology and assessment (including building surveys); financial assessment; promotion and tenure; the disciplines (Germanistik, etc.) and their "cultures" – how long does change take, anyway?

(05) Course evaluations

Upcoming class meetings

During the final weeks of the quarter we'll get into other assessments related to language learning: textbooks, courses, curricula, departments, institutions, and other subjects areas as they might relate to languages (example: Content-Based Instruction)

Upcoming assignment(s)

This section offers a PREVIEW, not activated assignments. Assignments are made, with announcement of their deadlines, both in class and on the "schedule" page. Deadlines are also posted on the general "Assignments & Deadlines" page that is linked from my homepage (and here).


I'll try to have the assessment CD-ROM by the end of the quarter!



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