Meeting 19 • 28 May 2011 |
Today • my deadline page |
numbers in ( ) = minutes planned for activity/ topic
√ = topic / activity that was adequately dealt with during the class
+ = topic needs more attention & will be resumed at next / subsequent meeting(s)
M (earlier: ) = a topic / activity that was proposed but not carried out (but will be taken up later for MORE discussion)
N = a topic / activity that was proposed but not included / is NOT going to be taken up after all
Red italic text like this = comments after the meeting
(5) (possibly a regular feature:) assessment (or language learning or just education) in the news! (If I can find something). Today: sex (aka "gender") differences and relation, if any, to learning and success in educational systems
√ |
Quote of the day- from 0073 Maceri: "Perhaps the best indication that we do not achieve our goals in our elementary [=first-year college] courses is demonstrated by the content of the intermediate levels".
(30) PSU first-year German combined reading / writing / WAC final exam. See reading on the "Schedule" page and in outlines for previous meetings, especially the relevant chapters of Hughes.
√ |
(30) Assessing textbooks: starting point 0144 "Choosing and Adapting Materials" (from "Teaching for Proficiency: The Organizing Principle". Reflection about 0186's title "Sometimes you need to know more than how to conjugate a verb" - what, then, do they need to know?
(20) Assessing courses: how students assess them; how institutions assess them; how we should assess them; thought question: what percent of a learner's success depends on: the teacher? the instructional materials? the learner? (and have we forgotten any other factors in the success?) √Class consensus was 20-20-60. I was the outlier, at 10-10-80. Perhaps the proportions vary according to the quality of the learner?
(10) Assessing programs: 0916 chair's questions for a language section
Upcoming class meetings |
During the final weeks of the quarter we'll get into other assessments related to language learning: textbooks, courses, curricula, departments, institutions, and other subjects areas as they might relate to languages (example: Content-Based Instruction)
Upcoming assignment(s) |
This section offers a PREVIEW, not activated assignments. Assignments are made, with announcement of their deadlines, both in class and on the "schedule" page. Deadlines are also posted on the general "Assignments & Deadlines" page that is linked from my homepage (and here).
Announcements |
Misc. |
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