Meeting 01 • 29 March 2011


Todaymy deadline page

numbers in ( ) = minutes planned for activity/ topic
= topic / activity that was adequately dealt with during the class
+ = topic needs more attention & will be resumed at next / subsequent meeting(s)
–M (earlier: –) = a topic / activity that was proposed but not carried out (but will be taken up later for MORE discussion)
N = a topic / activity that was proposed but not included / is NOT going to be taken up after all
Red italic text like this = comments after the meeting

Main topic(s): Introduction to Assessment; the FL and AL Cultures

(5) Welcome. introductions, overview (see TOC link: "course description & goals") Thanks to all for a strong start!

(10) Course explanation: foundations and concepts - italicTesting ≠ Assessment (not necessarily); criterion- vs. norm-referenced assessment; standardized vs. standards-based (or criterion-referenced) vs. multiple-choice / TF tests; formative vs. summative assessment


(20) Ice-breaker activity: √Who we are and what experiences of assessment we bring to the course. (Ever "frozen" on an exam - or "aced" one? √Ever realized that, as a teacher, you have given a lousy exam - or (are you sure??) a wonderful one?)
+How do non-specialists talk about tests? +How do they express their estimates of language skills?
Media clip: √Two very ordinary guys talk about tests in college, including a French test use this link to hear the audio clip, or go to my language-related media page to sample the larger collection of such.

(30) Group discussion(s): The difficulties, breadth, and purposes of assessment

(10) How to adjust the course: issues related to Applied Linguistics, ESL, and the TOEFL? How to support participants who haven't had an intro language pedagogy course?

?(10) Demographic "survey": backgrounds and professional interests of instructor(s)


?(10) Demographic survey: participants' previous coursework and work experience; language inventory

(10) Course explanation: mechanics; materials - main texts, upcoming DVD disk with collection of materials, use of links on course website; for upcoming reading, see the "schedule & assignments" page (under modification);assignments (subject to modification):

1) reflection about a test and an article about tests; 2) rate your own proficiency; 3) condcut a pseudo-Oral Proficiency Interview; 4) create a scoring guide; 5) analyze the WebCAPE; 6) BIMP (Big Idea for a Major Project in assessment)

(10) Assignments (subject to modification):

1) written assignment #1: reflection about a test and an article about tests; 2) rate your own proficiency; 3) condcut a pseudo-Oral Proficiency Interview; 4) create a scoring guide; 5) analyze the WebCAPE; 6) BIMP (Big Idea for a Major Project in assessment)


(10) Announcements, debriefing and summation

Upcoming class meetings

31 March: discussion of Hughes reading (if available) and the Oregonian article; mention of the optional textbooks; ••?? the AL and FL "cultures" - differences and similarities; scoring guide for Assignment 1; broader discussion of assessment and grading in the course

Upcoming assignment(s)

This section offers a PREVIEW, not activated assignments. Assignments are made, with announcement of their deadlines, both in class and on the "schedule" page. The next topic (week 2, 5 & 7 April) is "Language 'gold standards'": ACTFL Guidelines, the standards and test instruments of the European, ••?? and the TOEFL Test. Also information about where to find other widely-circulated tests. The FL participants will get an assignment that emphasizes ACTFL Guidelines; ••?? the AL participants will get one that focuses on the TOEFL. All participants will rate themselves (or someone else) on the ACTFL scale, by comparison to its profiles. ••?? All participants will examine items from the TOEFL test.





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