Meeting 21F • 18 March 2008 • Tuesday



(X) = anticipated time in minutes
Key to notes added AFTER the class meetsL
√ = topic / activity that was adequately dealt with during the class
+ = topic needs more attention & will be resumed at next / subsequent meeting(s)
- = a topic / activity that was proposed but not carried out
Struckthrough text like this = a topic / activity that was proposed but not included is not going to be taken up after all
Italic text like this = comments after the meeting

Main Topic(s): career progress evaluation - meet at 5:30 pm in usual classroom

(90) Assessing our own professional development by mapping your own training and experience onto a "Grand Plan" (0056) of proficiencies, indicators, and experiences for the basically-prepared professional language teacher. We plan to divide into groups of 3 people (with one FLL and 2 ESL people in each group) to map your individual training experience onto the "Grand Plan" and determine as well how it needs modification to fit ESL careers.

Background (0079) of the grant-funded project that produced the "Grand Plan" document.

some examples of critiques of programs for language teachers: Olsen, Solvieg, "A Plea to Graduate Departments" (FLA 1998); Peyton, Joy Kreeft, "Professional Development of Foreign-Language Teachers" (ERIC, 1997); Lozano, Albert S., et al., "A Statewide Professional Development Program for California Foreign Language Teachers" (0360), FLA 37.2 (Summer 2004): 301-09.

"LinguaFolio (Nebraska version)" - an example of a language learner's portfolio kit (and for younger learners!) a younger-learner

Upcoming class meetings (6 March 2008, Thursday)

breakout sessions: AL (regular room) for classroom assessment; FL for testing reading & listening (FL location TBA)

Upcoming assignment(s)

This section offers a PREVIEW, not activated assignments. Assignments are made, with announcement of their deadlines, both in class and on the "schedule" page.





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