Meeting 17 • 4 March 2008 • Tuesday



(X) = anticipated time in minutes
Key to notes added AFTER the class meetsL
√ = topic / activity that was adequately dealt with during the class
+ = topic needs more attention & will be resumed at next / subsequent meeting(s)
- = a topic / activity that was proposed but not carried out
Struckthrough text like this = a topic / activity that was proposed but not included is not going to be taken up after all
Italic text like this = comments after the meeting

Main Topic(s): institutional assessment (cont'd.); evaluation of textbooks and other learning materials; the "G" topic; reports about AL job candidates

(45) reports about AL job candidates (Hedgcock, Arnold): their classroom visits (and the Freewrite discussions), scholarly presentations, and participation in AL and FL programs if hired; focus topic: Hedgcock's presentation about heritage languages

(5) comments about Assignment 4

(10) Break: Go get your coffee or your snack, but bring it back. We'll start promptly after 10 minutes, with or without you!

(25) The "G" topic: GRAMMAR as the elephant in our living room (cont'd.); now that you have the list of 6 grammars, which one(s) have you been referring to?

(20) About grants: large-scale (federal) for research involving assessment; state-level involving assessment; PSU for innovation and assessment; grants from professional organizations; misc. grants for instructional support


national-level grant-tracking services: COS (Community of Science - but covers all subject areas) • • Foundation Center Philanthropy News Digest (category: education)

USDOE: forecast of funding (both ESL and FL) •

some specific grants: example of a USDOE grant (CFDA 84.017 International Research & Studies, $600K) • National Education Association Learning & Leadership Grants ($2-5K) • Braitmayer Foundation (curricular & school reform initiatives, professional development opportunities for teachers, $10K & $35K) • Staples (yes, the chain store) Foundation for Learning • Smithsonian Latino Initiatives Pool • A. L. Mailman Foundation (early childhood)

PSU: Faculty Development Awards (includes innovation courses, undergrad-faculty scholarly projects)

COFLT ($250) project grants (teaching / research)

Examples of grant proposals, successful or otherwise: WBF 2008 for multi-site two-way video to strengthen upper -level high-school German programs - AATG for pedagogy / NWACC for the technology • WBF Humboldt Project - Leonard Allen PSU AIM proposal and the NYC International Humanities Conference presentation

(10) Report about tabulation of grammar survey responses

Upcoming class meetings (6 March 2008, Thursday)

breakout sessions: AL (regular room) for classroom assessment; FL for testing reading & listening (FL location TBA)

Upcoming assignment(s)

This section offers a PREVIEW, not activated assignments. Assignments are made, with announcement of their deadlines, both in class and on the "schedule" page.





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