Meeting 02 • 10 January 2008 • Thursday |
Today |
√ = topic / activity that was adequately dealt with during the class
+ = topic needs more attention & will be resumed at next / subsequent meeting(s)
- = a topic / activity that was proposed but not carried out
Struckthrough text like this = a topic / activity that was proposed but not included is not going to be taken up after all
Italic text like this = comments after the meeting
Main topic(s): Introduction to Assessment; the FL and AL Cultures
(5) Overview and comments about previous meeting; assessing Culture?! example of culture expressed in language • example of attempting to teach culture (and language too, under very challenging circumstances)
(10) Inventory of participants' language skills and course/ work/ life background related to assessment; reminder: you don't have to have "near-native fluency" to list a language! If you've ever tried to use the language, even with partial success (example of very partial success), raise your hand.
(20) Course explanation: assignments and due dates (needs more about class observation and major project)
(20) Presentation and group discussion about the AL and FL "cultures": professional organizations, publications, and conferences
ACTFL - American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
example of a session about assessment (Linguafolio) at the 2007 (November) national convention
COFLT - Conference of Oregon Foreign Language Teachers
AATs - the various American Associations of Teachers of: German, French, Spanish & Portuguese, Slavic & East European Languages, etc.
(10) Break: Go get your coffee or your snack, but bring it back. We'll start promptly after 10 minutes, with or without you!
(10) More about the FL and AL "cultures": the background and pursuits of the course instructors
(20) Preview of the major project, in conjunction with some fast-breaking opportunities
(10) Announcements, debriefing and summation
Upcoming class meetings (15 January 2008, Tuesday) |
The next topic (week 2, 15/17 January) is "Language 'gold standards'": ACTFL Guidelines and the TOEFL Test, with some reference to the recently-issued standards and test instruments of the European Union. Also information about where to find other widely-circulated tests. Later on, as important course assignments, the FL people will do practice Oral Proficiency Interviews, and the AL people will work with test specifications and item creation.
Upcoming assignment(s) |
This section offers a PREVIEW, not activated assignments. Assignments are made, with announcement of their deadlines, both in class and on the "schedule" page. For Assignment 2, you will rate yourself on the ACTFL and EU scales, by comparison to their profiles, and will provide anecdotal information to justify your ratings; the activity will also include a short reflection.
Announcements |
Misc. |
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