Meeting 05 • 19 January 2010 • Tuesday |
Today • my deadline page |
numbers in ( ) = minutes planned for activity/ topic
√ = topic / activity that was adequately dealt with during the class
+ = topic needs more attention & will be resumed at next / subsequent meeting(s)
- = a topic / activity that was proposed but not carried out (but will be taken up later)
Struckthrough text like this = a topic / activity that was proposed but not included / is not going to be taken up after all
Italic text like this = comments after the meeting
Main topic(s): Introduction to Assessment; the FL and AL Cultures |
(5) (possibly a regular feature:) assessment in the news! Texas Oregon! and "Race to the Top"; Thursday (21 Jan.): PPS trying to improve high school programs, including languages
√ |
(5) EW gets to tell about the Hawaii conference
(50) The OPI (media clips) - structure, examiner stance, question types; OPI familiarization workshop manual (1994, 0036); audit one sample (g_bill_steveH_31); how to write a rating; will continue as main focus for at least another wek
+ |
(5) Assignments - checking in and up: 1) reading, see the "schedule & assignments" page (under modification); 2) written assignment #1: reflection about a newspaper article. Two examples from previous years. 3) Assignment 2: Rate your own proficiency - let's put the deadline off till 21 January, and plan to discuss both assignments that day.
(5) Demographic survey: participants' previous coursework and work experience; language inventory - can't do this in the form that I proposed, as an activity during my absence, but we'll spend a couple minutes using the idea to gain better insight into levels of proficiency: 1) what proficiency is required for the topic? 2) How would it have to be altered to provide a test for, say, Novice-High?
(40) Audit #2 (g_bill_timW_30, maybe just first half, or else - somewhat better sound quality - g_pete_bambi_19) - Evaluate the sample and write 1/2 page to support your rating; 1/4 page comments about interviewers tactics and techniques; how to write the rating: 1) state the rating; 2) describe (10 words) the text type; 3) summarize the functions and contexts/contents encountered; 4) (and only now) offer evidence about accuracy - I left at 5:25, and will need to know what people did without me.
Upcoming class meetings |
21 January: Assignment 2 (evaluate your own speaking proficiency) is DUE TODAY next meeting
(10) Demographic "survey": backgrounds and professional interests of instructor
26 & 28 January: expanding ACTFL standards into testing other modalities
Upcoming assignment(s) |
This section offers a PREVIEW, not activated assignments. Assignments are made, with announcement of their deadlines, both in class and on the "schedule" page. The next topic (week 2, 12 & 14 January)
Announcements |
The change of the course to German-only participation requires some more rethinking of the syllabus. So I'm dropping any specific ESL aspects, at least temporarily, and we'll resume the discussion in a week or so.
Misc. |
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