Deutsch 302 • Wintersemester 2014
Sitzung Nr. 05 • 21.01. • Tagesordnung • assignment & deadlines

Vorige SitzungN (3. u. 4.): Vokabeln

ab (heute) - from (today) on

anwesend - present (meeting)

gegenwärtig - present (in time)

schuldig an (dat) - guilty of

hauptsächlich - mainly

beschildert - posted with signs

humanities (academic) - Geisteswissenschaften

ghost - Gespenst (scary), Geist (sprit, mind)

stattfinden - take place

unter uns / unter vier Augen - just between you and me / confidentially

gewissermassen - to a certain extent

schon mal da gewesen - been there, done that

Personalabteilung - HR department

Personalien - personal/bio infos

vorherig - previous

ehemalig - ex (spouse, etc.)

bestehen - insist on

Stimmung - attitude, mood

Haltung - attitude (long-term)

sich lehen - lean

gelegentlich - occasionally

taugen - be useful, suffice

Taugenichts - ne'er-do-well, no-good

tender - zart (emotion), weich (to the touch)

geht wie geschmiert - in like Flynn, like a hot knife through butter

pflegen - maintain, tend

ausschliessen -exclude

umziehen - move (residence)

sich umziehen - change clothes

Umzug - suit (clothes), change of residence

Herzanfall - heart attack

Schaganfall - strokew

regeln - regulate

vereinfachen - simplify

save - sparen (money), speichern (data), retten (life/soul)

Unterlagen u. Grafiken [Zahlen in () beziehen sich auf meine Datenbanksammlung]


Fischer & Richardson, German Reference Grammar (PDF, free via this link)

Fischer & Richardson, German Pictorial Dictionary (PDF, free via this link)

Schlüsselwort/begriff des Tages / der Woche

Schule, Schulung, Ausbildung, Studium, Bildung (I)

Ausbildung - occupational training

ausbilden - to train for a job

Auszubildende- - person in occupational training (apprentice)

Abschluß - graduation (completiong of studies)

abschließen - graduate, conclude studies

ausgebildet- - trained

Fach - school subject area, area of expertise

Schüler(in) - pupil (k-12)

Lernende- - learners

Lehrkraft - gender-neutral for "teacher"

Unterricht - instruction/ training

unterrichten - teach (school)

beibringen - teach (a physical skill, or an animal)

lehren - to expound a subject intellectually

Fereien (plural) - school or other official vacation

Lebensjahr - year (of age)

Schuljahr - grade (year of school)

Note - grade (score)

Leiter(in) - school principal

Schulordnung - school behavior rules

Nachmittagsbetreuung - after-school care

Verein - club

Ehemalige- - alum

Stunde - lesson (music, etc.)

Schwerpunkte (Zeichenerklärung)

SmallTalk: Haben wir im (relativ) neuen Semester Fuß gefasst? Wann kommen die ersten Prüfungen?

+ Prüfungen - wie verhalten wir uns dabei? (Angst, usw.). Vorbereitung? Wert? Und was Noten betrifft…

+ Übung: Wir beschreiben unvergeßliche Tage / Stunden (positive, negative) an der Schule - Was Wer Wann Wo Wie Warum

Debriefing: Narration and description of everyday content as key elements of ACTFL Advanced proficiency. Problem of thinking while talking (and vv.). Redo above task in English, then again in German. Now a step up - narrating and describing more abstract content:

Wir bewerten unsere Schulen und Schulerfahrungen im allgemeinen

Debriefing: major topics this quarter related to DACH society (see "about" page) with schools/schooling as the first

+ Als Vorbereitung auf die nächsten Aufgaben besuchen wir (elektronisch) eine deutsche Schule: Das Fanny-Leicht-Gymnasium in Stuttgart ( Dabei notieren wir einige Vokabeln. Wir vergleichen diese Schule mit unseren eigenen Schulen.

+ Übung (mündlich, dann schriftlich): Ein(e) Freund(in) oder Lehrer(in) aus der Kindheit an der Schule

N Debriefing: a) the "hands-on" parts of the course - regular activities, portfolio, grading; b) English conversation: a) your job skills; b) your business experience (or that of someone you know); generic Advanced vocabulary vs. "business" vocabulary; check of generic Advanced vocabulary (room parts, office processes)

N Übung: Arbeitserfahrung - wie wir die Stelle(n) gefunden/ bekommen haben, unsere Aufgaben, Mitarbeiter, was gelernt / gewonnen.

SpeakEasy-Nachrichten: Die neue Karte "Happy Birthday" (und auch die alte). Wir vergleichen und bewerten die 2 Kartenarten

Wir lernen ein wenig über deutsche Schülerfirmen übern die Links und "150 Links zu Schülerunternehmen und Juniorfirmen" (, und dann statten wir einen kurzen Besuch bei der Schülerfirma "" des Fanny-Leicht-Gymnasiums ab.

N About learning resources for the course: See links above to Reference Grammar and Bildwörterbuch. Importance of expanding from dictionary and simple look-up to resources that offer more content (varieties in meaning; thematic presentation of clusters of vocabulary in embedding of vocabulary in contextual language)

N Musik/Literatur: "Die Sieben Todsünden", erster Teil

Wrap up: assignments for the week and preparation for next meeting - see below


Reminders of previous assignments (assignment & deadlines):

Due Tuesday (14 January): Read the course description and write, in English, a reflection about: 1) how the course fits into your larger PAST study of German; 2) how it fits into what you want from your study of German. Keep it to 1 page (250 words). Your reading and reflection will be the basis of class discussion of those topics, in German, on Tuesday, as preparation for when you compose your own career-related documents in German.

Due Tuesday (14 January): Using an advanced paper/electronic German dictionary (not just a word-for-word list), look up and list the various German equivalents of these words: "education", "training", "skills", "knowledge", "learn", "study", "attend", "go to [school/university]", "work". Then write, in German, a one page (single-spaced) document that discusses your education and why you are getting it. Follow these specifications:

paragraph 1: BRIEFLY summarize your education from kindergarten / elementary school on, but with particular emphasis on the latter part of high school and then your college years. Were you a good learner? Did you receive good teaching? What were / are your other education-/occupation-related interests? When did you know (if you know) what you wanted/want to do/be?

paragraph 2: What do you want from your education in terms of earning a living and being someone in the working world / a profession / some other goal in life? Why? How will you do it?

paragraph 3: What do you want from your education (and other learning?) in terms of your personality, existence, quality of life - the larger goals and hopes? How will you be/become a better person, contribute something to this world, etc. etc.?

Vorbereitung auf die nächste(n) Stunde(n)

Explore the web site of the Walter-Eucken-Schule in Karlsruhe, as part of learning more about DACH schools from the ground up. Yes, think about the larger issues (educational system, social issues, etc.), but also look at the little things and the people, and compare them to your own school experiences (which will help develop the narrative/descriptive language discussed above)
Explore the web site of "'s Badische Schullädle", which is operated by students at the Walter-Eucken-Schule. This certainly pushes the ground-level content to the fore, and is also intended to support more vocational vocabulary and more learning about SpeakEasy

Vorschau auf die nächste(n) Aufgabe(n) und Sitzung(en)

Third formal writing activity: summation of your pre-college education and work experience; specification to come this Thursday
First reading and listening assignments: specifications to come Tuesday of next week.
Reading (English) about educational standards, with a reflection in English about your own education in specific subject areas.
Exploring DACH K-12 schools - reading in German about the system.