Deutsch 302 • Wintersemester 2014
Sitzung Nr. 01 • 07.01. • Tagesordnung • assignment & deadlines

Vorige Sitzung: Vokabeln

[entfällt heute, weil 1. Sitzung]

Unterlagen u. Grafiken [Zahlen in () beziehen sich auf meine Datenbanksammlung]


Fischer-Richardson, German Reference Grammar

Nees, Greg. "Germany: Unraveling and Enigma" (Amazon site and preview of chapter 1)

Schlüsselwort/begriff des Tages / der Woche

future, past, present; expect, predict

werden - become (but also "be", when occupation)

hoffen - hope

hoffentlich - X hopes (or "hopefully" if you accept that in Englich)

Hoffnung - hope

um… zu - in order to

damit - so that

Absicht- intention

ich habe vor, - I'm planning

ich denke daran, - I'm thinking about / planning to

Vergangenheit - the past

Gegenwart - the present

Zukunft - the future

vergangen- - past (adjective)

gegenwärtig - present (adjective)

zukünftig - future (adjective)

voraussagen - predict

rückblickend - looking back, retrospectively

voraussichtlich - prospectively, probably

eventuell - possible (NOT eventually, later)

erwarten - expect, anticipate

vermuten - expect, suspect (but not suspiciously), guess

Schwerpunkte (Zeichenerklärung)

SmallTalk: die langen Ferien - Wie haben wir die Feiertage begangen? Reisen? Familieu. Freunde? Geschenke? Freizeit/ Wetter? "Wer rastet, rostet"

Einführung u. Kurze Übersicht: Wir lernen einander ein wenig kennen (Studium? Berufsziele? Wohnort). Der Professor stellt sich vor (Lebenslauf). Unser Kurs ("about")

Übung: Wir beschreiben die Zukunft - unsere Pläne für die nächsten Woche, das weitere Jahr (Januar - Juni), vielleicht auch für den Sommer. Bitte versuchen Sie, die obigen Vokabeln anzuwenden. Was hoffen wir? Welche Ängste haben wir? (Grammatik: ebtt, xfoo, xfsefo)

Debriefing: the course - what it is and why; what I wanted to learn from the activity we just did; basic principles of language learning (negotiating meaning, contextual learning, i+1, inferencing and risk-taking); the role of grammar and vocabulary; the ACTFL Advanced proficiency level (later: EU standards); specific example of grammar: expressions for "then" / "after(ward)", with repeat of the Übung

Repeat of the foregoing Übung, using cued grammatical knowledge

N Debriefing: major topics related to DACH society, with schools/schooling as the first

+ Übung (mündlich, dann schriftlich): Ein(e) Freund(in) oder Lehrer(in) aus der Kindheit an der Schule

+ Debriefing: the "hands-on" parts of the course - regular activities, portfolio, grading; English conversation: a) your job skills; b) your business experience (or that of someone you know); generic Advanced vocabulary vs. "business" vocabulary; check of generic Advanced vocabulary (room parts, office processes)

+ Ihr "Lebenslauf" bei der Arbeit / im Beruf: Wo haben Sie gearbeitet? Was getan? Mit wem? Warum? Wie?

+ generic Advanced vocabulary vs. "business" vocabulary; check of generic Advanced vocabulary (room parts, office processes)

The "SpeakEasy" part of this course. Kurzer Vortrag über SpeakEasy

•N Check of SpeakEasy-related vocab: 1) isolated words; 2) describing a product; 3) evaluating a product

+ About learning resources for the course

+ Wrap up: assignments for the week and preparation for next meeting - see below


Bitte SOFORT eine Email an mich richten, wo Sie Ihre bevorzugte Email-adresse angeben.

Due Tuesday (14 January): Read the course description and write, in English, a reflection about: 1) how the course fits into your larger PAST study of German; 2) how it fits into what you want from your study of German. Keep it to 1 page (250 words). Your reading and reflection will be the basis of class discussion of those topics, in German, on Tuesday, as preparation for when you compose your own career-related documents in German.

Due Tuesday (14 January): Using an advanced paper/electronic German dictionary (not just a word-for-word list), look up and list the various German equivalents of these words: "education", "training", "skills", "knowledge", "learn", "study", "attend", "go to [school/university]", "work". Then write, in German, a one page (single-spaced) document that discusses your education and why you are getting it. Follow these specifications:

paragraph 1: BRIEFLY summarize your education from kindergarten / elementary school on, but with particular emphasis on the latter part of high school and then your college years. Were you a good learner? Did you receive good teaching? What were / are your other education-/occupation-related interests? When did you know (if you know) what you wanted/want to do/be?

paragraph 2: What do you want from your education in terms of earning a living and being someone in the working world / a profession / some other goal in life? Why? How will you do it?

paragraph 3: What do you want from your education (and other learning?) in terms of your personality, existence, quality of life - the larger goals and hopes? How will you be/become a better person, contribute something to this world, etc. etc.?

Vorbereitung auf die nächste(n) Stunde(n)

Explore my conference presentation about SpeakEasy, so that you will better understand how SpeakEasy will fit into German 302 and, for when you might take the courses, GER 320 & 420.
Explore the SpeakEasy business site. It's still under construction, so skip pages that are obviously not ready yet and look moreo at the pages "products & ordering by mail", "where to find out products", and "our commitment to sustainability". As you look, think about: 1) whether you could describe those pages in German ("order", "department", "enterprise", "greeting card", "envelope", "sustainability", "supplies", "net profits"); 2) whether you have any special skills or experiences that could help SpeakEasy (and whether you can describe them in German).

Vorschau auf die nächste(n) Aufgabe(n) und Sitzung(en)

Second formal writing activity: specification to come next Tuesday
First reading and listening assignments: specifications to come Thursday of next week.
Reading (English) about educational standards, with a reflection in English about your own education in specific subject areas.
Exploring DACH K-12 schools - reading in German about the system, and visiting the website of actual schools (and describing the buildings, people and programs, in comparison to our own schools)