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302 2014W notes

T is generic 302, R is SE

one social/business reading topic per week: health insurance and care, labor laws, Grundgesetz, Kindergeld, Kirchensteuer, income tax, news sources, Wohnung/Mietvertrag, Aufenthaltserlaubnis / An/Ummeldung, Auto, ; controversial/different issues (guns, alcohol, Ksteuer, Ladenschluß, Mindestlohn, speed limites, fester Wohnort, allgemeine Ruhestunden)

maintain much of 301 structure, including listening, translating

describe portfolio

translate German company self-description - see 09_24_10_20122_info.pdf

research / describe a student-run company

write: roommate/apt ad; invitation; farewell leltter (and use WB Willkommen/Abschied in class); apology; cokmplain; recommend a purchase in ?USA (couldn'tread notes)

skills: autotranslators; WP (by spiffing up resume etc.) translate X; try E>G and see whether you can detect errors


SE activities: judgge 2 pics, 2 Anlässe, 2 new products, 2 existing cafrds for 1 Anlaß; choose G lit/poem quotes and translate (find G Bartletts); design GER lit card; desing cards fo rBon Voyage etc.