Aufgabe: A Defective Product – Transcription

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news story about a defective product (g00081).

Transcription (balnked-out items in italics):

Karlsruhe: Der Wirtschaftskontrolldienst hat bestätigt, daß bei einem Importeur in Ettlingen rund 1600 Flaschen mit Methylalkohol vergifteten Rotweins sichergestellt worden sind. 57 Kartons, mit jeweils 6 1.5 Flaschen der Marke Barbera d'Asti Pipiona des Jahrgangs 1984 gingen in den Handel. [Unclear word(s)] unklar ist, wieviele davon verkauft worden. An dem mit Methylalkohol versetzten Wein sind in Italien schon 8 Menschen gestorben.

Translation (target words/ phrases in italics):

Karlsruhe: The Business Inspection Service has confirmed, that approximately 1600 bottles of red wine contaminated with methyl alcohol have been seized from an importer in Ettlingen. Fifty-seven cartons / cases, each with six 1.5-liter bottles of the brand/ label Barbera d'Asti Pipiona, vintage year 1984, went onto the market. It is [?furthermore?] not clear, how many of those had been / were sold. In Italy, 8 people have already died from the wine dosed/ laced with methyl alcohol.