26-29 April 2012
Is the best version of the SE site (speakeasy.site, with all the card files and also the pre2009 stuff) perhaps not even up on the server? Look on local Mac, in "sites" folder: there is folder "speakeasy 2009", but in it is folder "speakeasy", and in that the best version, including a folder with "pre-2009" - CHinese boxes.NO - that stuff is on the speakeasy.site.
The file "index. html" in the speakeasy.site had busted links to the big pics, but working links to "laden.html" and also to the ancient SE site (pre-2009). The speakeasysite also includes elephant images, etc.
The file"index.html" in the Cosmolingua.site (folder "speakeasy") javascripts to the fischerw SE stuff.
29 April: dropped the file index.html from the folder "speakeasy" in the cosmolingua site into the speakeasy_web site on the server. That index.html fitle is the one that javascripts to the fischerw SE stuff. Using the "speakeasy.wll.pdx.edu" URL still brings up the "pluck"site, buit re-wording it as "speakeasy.wll.pdx.edu/index.html" opens the index.html file, which then - as it should -javascripts to the fischerw SE site. Changed name of the pluck index file to "index_pluck_disabled.php", and now the speakeasy.wll.pdx.edu URL goes via the index.html file top the fischerw SE site (which still has the busted link to the laden). So I can control the wll.pdx.edu speakeasy access (don't know what, if anything, the "speakeaw_web" stuff is or does), and thus can redirect for a while to the "real" SE site elsewhere (but can later move that site into the wll SE location).
WAIT! When in SE site, can choose server "speakeasy_web" via ODIN - Fischer site and thus make that the FTP target for SE site. But still need to fix the busted links in the laden stuff.
Continued by renaming the Pluck stuff in the "speakeasy_web" site, making that the server destination for speakeasy.site, and uploading speakeasy.site. For the present, that will be the site location (speakeasy.wl;.pdx.edu), but with javascript pointers from cosmolingua and fischerw.
24 April 2012
Where best to house the SE site, whether temporarily or long-term? Needs own domain eventually, and for a while under my control (but eventually- if the thing works - maintained by SE Inc.). Best way in the meantime is to use www.speakeasy.wll.pdx.edu - more intuitive URL and also politically better, AS LONG as I can get at it conveniently. The comolingua route is worst; should abandon it as the real site, but maintain a link from it to the real site.
Short/medium-term solution: While straightening out the duplicate mess with the wll "speakeasy_web" and "speakeaw_web" thing, build the main renewed SE site on fischerw, but create pointers to it in both of the wll folder, and also from cosmolinua. Then can later transfer the fischerw content to whatever becomes the real SE site.
Soon: figure out which is really the wll SE folder, "speakeasy_web" or "speakeaw_web" - or whether they are mirrors. Do that by adding a file to one but not the other and then seeing which URLs get to that file.
18 April 2012
Link to SE on fischerw homepage is www.cosmolingua.www.speakeasy, but that automatically goes thence to web.pdx.edu/~fischerw/speakeasy. That stuff (including folders labeled speakeasay.dat and speakeasy.setting) is indeed on the server in the ~fischerw site, BUT those files are NOT on the ~fischerw site at home.
Started to download the ~fischerw speakeasy files through GoLive, but for some reason it wanted to download 2500+ files from just about everywhere. Did so, but only after backing up site to Cruzer drive.
COpied the server's SpeakEasy files to hard drive via GoLive ftp, then refreshed the ~fischerw site file. Renabled the link to "tour the company / visit our store" by changing the target file's name from "laden_disabled" back to "laden". But the SE files now in the ~fischerw site are minimal.
The SE site itself has the newer files (greeting cards, etc., including a "laden.html" file that has a table with illustrations of the cards [but with busted links]) and also the pre2009 content. But how does anyone ever get to that site?
The Cosmolingua site, in the folder "speakeasy", has a single file (index.html) that redirects immediately to the ~fischerw SE index file.
www.speakeasy.wll.pdx.edu has the wannabe-fancy site created in November 2010 by the French student using Pluck. Can get at it through GoLive: in ~fischerw ftp browser, go up still one more level, where there are two apparently identical collections of files, in the folders "speakeasy_web" and "speakeaw_web". Best way to handle that, probably is to stick into them a duplicate file "index.html" that redirects to the real SE (=my new/old file). Or else download those pluck files, archive them, and destroy them on the server. Or else simply never use again the www.speakeasy.wll.pdx.edu (but that means problems when I retire, unless SE stays on CosmoLingua or some other site I create and then maintain).
Guess the best way is to call tech help and tell them what I want to do. IN any case, get rid of the pluck site. Eventually synchronize the ~fischerw site with server and home. (Did that late evening 18 April, apparently mostly successful.)
9 April 2012
Fixed new-look website opener page by using, on the TOC page, a 50x50 pixel PS graphic in PSU Green RGB, to match with the PSU Green RGB graphic used for the banner. This after problems with differing shades when I specified RGB for PSU green as the PAGE COLOR for the TOC page.
Confusion about the SPeakEasy and CosmoLingua sites - where files are, where they should be, and how to organize (and whether or not within the fischerw site).