Physics Department, Portland State University

Ph 425/525 Classical Mechanics II


Course instructor: Ray Egerton

Office: room 404, SB2 ; 725 - 4227

Lecture notes:

Chapter 6 , Chapter 7 , Chapter 8 , Mid-Term , Chapter 9 , Chapter 10 , Final exam


Aims: to develop the mathematical techniques and physical intuition used in various branches of physics, and to illustrate certain practical and historical aspects of mechanics.


Required textbook: Analytical Mechanics (Fowles & Cassiday, 6th edition, Saunders)


Approximate course content:

Chapter 6: Universal gravitation, equivalence with Kepler's laws, gravitational potential and effective potential. Charged-particle scattering; differential cross section.

Chapter 7: Center of mass, reduced mass, effective potential, Lagrangian points.

Collisions; center-of-mass coordinates.

Chapter 8: Center of mass, moment of inertia and radius of gyration of a rigid body.

Physical pendulum. Center of percussion.

Chapter 9: Angular momentum and rotational kinetic energy of a rigid body. Principal axes. Euler equations. Gyroscopic motion.

Chapter 10: Hamilton's Principle; Lagrangian mechanics.