Specimen Preparation
Gatan Precision Ion Polishing System (Model 691)
Specimen monitoring optical microscope, penning gun, beam modulation, Gatan patented DuoPost specimen holder, standard specimen holder
Two individual adjustable ion guns, accelerating voltage adjustable from 1.5 to 5 kV, sample rotation variable from 1 to 6 rpm, specimen exchange time less than 30 s, milling angle adjustable from -10o to +10o, ion current density 10 mA/cm 2 peak, spot size 300 um to 800 um
It provides high milling rates at shallow angles. It is equipped with CCD imaging system for real-time video imaging
Fishchione plasma cleaner (Model 1020)
bright field STEM/ dark field STEMPlasma, 25%O2 in Ar, oil-free vacuum system
Easy to use, no damage to specimen, cleaning of both TEM and SEM specimen, preventing of contamination
PELCO 91000 sputter coater

Plasma, coating, Au-Pd target

Improvement of specimen conductivity

LADD critical point dryer
Carbon dioxide liquid, critical point of liquid and gas

dehydrates biological specimens for scanning electron microscopy while preserving the structure of the tissue

High Tech Products, INC., TechPrep Precision Polishing Machine (Allied)
Automatic sample rotation with 8 speeds
Provides excellent precision polishing ability